Equitable Emissions Investment Fund
The BERDO Review Board is awarding grants to nonprofits to support building decarbonization in Boston.
The 2025 application cycle for the Equitable Emissions Investment Fund is set to launch on Monday, March 31st.
The Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) aims to achieve carbon net-neutrality among the Boston's largest buildings by 2050. With the passage of BERDO, the Equitable Emissions Investment Fund (the Fund) was established to support this goal.
about the fundThe Fund supports projects aimed at reducing building emissions. Funds must prioritize Environmental Justice populations and communities disproportionately impacted by air pollution. Applications are accepted annually, with award decisions made by the BERDO Review Board. Initially seeded with $3.5 million from the City, the Fund will continue to receive funding through BERDO fines and Alternative Compliance Payments.
About this year's opportunityFor the 2025 application cycle, the Review Board has allocated up to $750,000 and seeks to make at least four awards, not to exceed $250,000 each.
ELIGIBILITYThis grant program is available to nonprofit organizations, or those with a fiscal sponsor, that are proposing projects aimed at reducing or mitigating building emissions in Boston. Priority will be given to organizations that serve Boston's Environmental Justice communities. Please note, at this time, we are unable to provide funding to organizations that are not nonprofit.
Proposed projects must advance a public purpose and include a building carbon mitigation component, with priority given to those offering additional co-benefits. Co-benefits of interest include:
- benefits to affordable housing
- benefits to tenants
- benefits to labor and workforce development
- benefits to outdoor air quality
- benefits to indoor air quality and quality of life
- climate resilience benefits
- energy justice benefits; and
- other benefits the applicant would like to share.
The BERDO Review Board has indicated interest in prioritizing project proposals that include the following:
- Buildings that are subject to BERDO (buildings that are 20,000+ Sq Ft or residential buildings with 15+ units)
- Energy efficiency
- Renewable energy
- Fuel switching
- Supporting workforce development
Project proposals that do not include listed priority areas are still encouraged to apply.
For the 2025 application cycle, the Review Board has allocated up to $750,000 and seeks to make at least four awards, not to exceed $250,000 each.
Application Process
Application Timeline
The application cycle opens on Monday, March 31, 2025, at 9 am and closes on Friday, May 30, 2025, at 5 pm. The Review Board will review applications through June and July and aim to notify applicants of their decisions in August*.
*Timeline subject to change
Information Sessions
Date | Zoom Registration |
Date | April 15, 2025 |
Zoom Registration | Register for this information session |
Date | April 23, 2025 |
Zoom Registration | Register for this information session |
FAQsProposals for building upgrades from nonprofit owners will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the City. In Massachusetts, public funds can only be used for public purposes, as cities and towns are prohibited from using taxpayer money for private interests. As a result, municipalities can allocate funds only to projects that directly benefit the public (Anti-Aid Amendment in Massachusetts).
The City will evaluate proposals based on two key criteria:
- Does the project serve the public good or interest?
- If the proposal comes from a nonprofit building owner, will the building continue to serve a public purpose in the long term?
For example, proposals to upgrade a nonprofit’s administrative or office building would not be eligible. Although such upgrades may help the City achieve its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, they do not directly serve the public. The City will also assess whether the building has a long-term public purpose. This could include a covenant ensuring its continued use for public service, or an agreement from the owner not to sell the building for private gain in the near-term.
Applicants in this category will be required to outline the public purpose of their project in the "Project Summary" section of the proposal. The City may request additional information to fully assess whether the project meets these criteria.
Yes, scoping phases are eligible to receive funding from this grant. The Equitable Emissions Investment Fund offers funding for projects that have a building emissions reduction component at any phase. This includes projects in the initial planning and scoping stage.
You do not have to be located within the City of Boston to receive funding as long as the projects and/or services you perform with this funding are located within the City of Boston.
Overhead and/or administrative costs are limited to no more than 10% of the total budget application.
- Salaries and associated benefits of staff delivering the project, this may include Executive Directors if they spend a certain percentage of their time on the grant funded project
- Where applicable, please annotate what percentage of the salary and associated benefits you are seeking support for (i.e., 0.5 FTE)
- Equipment, supplies and/or materials associated with the project
- Temporary space fees and/or rental for the project
- Transportation required for the project
- Advertising and publicity expenses for the project
- Local conference, seminar or training attendance related to the project
- Project planning / evaluation
- Technical assistance
- Food and beverage for project participants
- Other direct costs of the project
- Alcoholic beverages
- Gift cards
- Fundraising activities (this includes salaries or associated benefits for fundraising staff time)
- Lobbying services
- Rent and utilities for the non-profit
- Salaries and associated benefits of staff not involved with directly delivering the project
Yes, please utilize this budget template for your application.
The following standard conditions shall apply to any award made from the Fund:
- If funding is provided for a project in buildings subject to BERDO, timely compliance with BERDO reporting requirements.
- For long-term projects or projects that include distinct phases or deliverables, a schedule for allocating awarded funds.
- Reporting by funding recipients to the Review Board regarding project progress and use of funding. The frequency of reporting may vary according to the project’s lifetime.
- Reporting by funding recipients to the Review Board related to special conditions. The frequency of reporting may vary according to the project’s lifetime.
- Completion of the funded project within the projected time frame.
- The Review Board or its designee may inspect any funded project and related records, at reasonable times and with reasonable notice, in order to assess compliance with the terms and conditions of the funding provided.
- If the funding recipient (i) fails to spend the funding and/or (ii) fails to comply with the terms and conditions of expenditure, the Review Board may consider limiting a recipient’s access to future funding applications.
On a case-by-case basis, approvals for funding may include special conditions relevant to the distribution of benefits to Environmental Justice Populations and advancement of the purpose of BERDO. Any proposal to add special conditions shall be discussed at a public meeting with the Review Board.
Current Board Members
Current Board Members