GrowBoston is the City of Boston's Office of Urban Agriculture.
GrowBoston's goal is to increase food production and support local food producers in Boston, including gardeners, farmers, beekeepers, and more.
Our work builds on the long-term work of the Mayor’s Office of Housing (MOH). MOH, through the Grassroots Program, has been supporting the development of community gardens, urban farms, food forests, and other open spaces through land disposition and capital funding for more than 25 years.
We will be working to increase community gardens, urban farms, and other food-growing spaces throughout Boston. We will support the implementation of innovative food production strategies, such as rooftop growing, vertical growing, and hydroponics.
GrowBoston provides technical help to prospective and existing gardens and farms. Our team develops educational and other food production resources for gardeners, farmers, and residents. We partner with sister agencies to leverage public facilities to increase food production. We also coordinate with other City departments to make food production more accessible in Boston.
Recent Updates
Recent UpdatesGrowBoston's Urban Agriculture Ambassador Program provides one-on-one gardening education and support for gardeners in East Boston, Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester through 2025 and 2026. The City of Boston is providing funding for 4 part-time gardening educators, one employed at each of 4 different urban farming non-profits. These educators will serve as each neighborhood's Urban Agriculture Ambassador in order to provide gardeners, even experienced ones, with the support, knowledge, and skills they need in order to grow their own food and grow it sustainably.
Upcoming Events
Programs, Initiatives, and Funding
GrowBoston Funding Opportunities
These are all of our past, current, and future funding opportunities.
Urban Agriculture Ambassador Program
Provides one-on-one gardening education and support for gardeners in East Boston, Dorchester, Mattapan, and Roxbury through 2025 and 2026.
GrowBoston and Office of Food Justice Strategic Goals
Building a just, equitable, resilient, and sustainable food system in Boston.
Grassroots Open Space Development
The Grassroots Program supports the development of community gardens and other open spaces.
Boston Urban Agriculture Recommendations Report
Learn more about the urban agriculture recommendations, which suggest action city-wide and at the neighborhood level for equitably advancing urban agriculture in Boston.
Raised Bed Program
Will construct 800 raised beds for low-income residents by 2026.
GrowBoston Newsletters
GrowBoston NewslettersResources
Community Garden and Urban Farm Directory
Find a community garden or urban farm in your neighborhood!
Learn to Garden
Learn to garden with these educational programs compiled by GrowBoston
Gardening Tip Sheets
GrowBoston offers guides to help you reach the next level in gardening.
Rodent Management
Learn how to prevent and mitigate rodents in your green space.
Fruiting Trees, Shrubs, and Perennial Plants
An overview, history, and guide to fruiting plants and trees in Boston.
Pests and Diseases
Learn what pests and diseases you might encounter in your Boston growing space and how to manage these issues.
Industrial Agriculture and Climate Change
Our world's climate is changing. Here's the role of agriculture in that change.
Bees in Boston
Take a dive into Boston's Bees with GrowBoston!
Urban Farming in Boston
Learn more about how GrowBoston supports farming in Boston.
Professional Development for Farmers
Improve your farming skills with these professional development programs and resources compiled by GrowBoston.
Additional Resources for gardens and farms
Additional resourcesGrowBoston's Blog
BlogMeet the Staff

Meet the Advisory Board
Advisory Board