City Council Roll Call Votes
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On the message and order referred on April 9, 2014 Docket #0639, for a loan of Thirty-Eight Million Nine Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars ($38,985,000.00) for the purpose of constructing or reconstructing bridges of stone or of iron superstructures; and/or for the cost of engineering or architecture services for plans and specifications, and/ or for the constructions or reconstruction of seawalls, riprap, revetments, breakwaters, bulkheads, jetties and groins, stairways, ramps and other related structures, for the purpose of the city departments including the Public Works Department, the Committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to be read once and passed. The report was accepted; the order was read once and passed; yeas 13. Assigned for further action.
On the message and order referred on April 9, 2014 Docket #0638, for a loan of Forty Nine Million Six Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($49,625,000.00) for acquiring land, or interests in land, for any purpose which the City is or may hereafter be authorized to acquire land or interests therein; and for the construction of buildings, or for additions to such buildings where such additions increase the floor space of said buildings, including the cost of original equipment and furnishings of said buildings, or additions; and/or for remodeling, reconstructing, or making extraordinary repairs to public buildings owned by the City, including original equipment, furnishings and landscaping, paving and other site improvements incidental or directly related to such remodeling, reconstruction or repair; and/or for energy conservation, alternative energy or renewable energy improvements to public building or facilities, and/or for the cost of departmental equipment; and/or for fire alarm installations, and for the purpose of extending and improving such installations; and/or for the construction or reconstruction of public wharves and/or for the cost of engineering or architectural services for plans and specifications; an/or for construction of municipal outdoor recreational and athletic facilities, including the acquisition and development of land and the construction and reconstruction of facilities for the purposes of city departments including the Boston Center for Youth and Family, Fire, Library, Parks and Recreation, Police, Property and Construction Management, Public Health Commission and Public Works Departments, the Committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to be read once and passed. The report was accepted; the order was read once and passed; yeas 13. Assigned for further action.
On the message and order referred on April 9, 2014 Docket #0637, for a loan of Seventy-Two Million Eight Hundred Forty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-Five Dollars ($72,848,295.00) for the purpose of paying cost of constructing, originally equipping and furnishing the Dearborn 6-12 STEM/Early College academy, which is a new school facility to be built on the site of the current Dearborn School located at 35 Greenville Street in the City of Boston, including the payment of all cost incidental or related thereto which school facility shall have an anticipated useful life as a educational facility for the instruction of school children for at least 50 years, and for which the City of Boston may be eligible for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority ("MSBA") , said amount to be expended under the direction of the Property and Construction Management Department on behalf of the Boston Public Schools, the Committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to be read once and passed. The report was accepted; the order was read once and passed; yeas 13. Assigned for further action.
On the message and order referred on April 9, 2014 Docket #0636, authorizing the City to enter into one or more lease, lease-purchase or installment sales agreements in FY2015 in an amount not to exceed Ten Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($10,100,000.00) for various City departments for the acquisition of equipment in furtherance of their respective governmental functions, the Committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to be read once and passed. The report was accepted; the order was read once and passed; yeas 13. Assigned for further action.
On the message and order referred on March 26, 2014 Docket #0515, that on November 7, 2013, the Public Improvement Commission (the 'PIC') reviewed a joint petition by Mr. Joseph Steffano, Jr. and the City of Boston Parks and Recreation Department, to abandon all rights of public travel on a certain portion of Swift Street, a private way in East Boston, as shown on a plan marked "City of Boston, the Committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to be read once and passed. The report was accepted; the order was read once and passed; yeas 13. Assigned for further action.
On the message and order, referred on March 26, 2014 Docket #0537, order regarding a Text Amendment for Boston Zoning Code Article 56, Section 56.10, the Committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed; yeas 13.
Message and order approving a supplemental appropriation of Sixteen Million Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Six Dollars ($16,525,236.00) for the Boston Police Patrolmen's to cover the cost items contained within the collective bargaining agreement between the City of Boston and the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association contract (JLMC No. 12-32P). The contract award provides for an overall salary increase of 25.4% over the six years of the contract that expires on June 30, 2016.
Message and order to reduce by Nine Million One Hundred Fifty Eight Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Dollars ($9,158,530.00) an appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining for the purpose of providing funding for the Police Department FY14 cost items contained in the arbitration award of JLMC Case No. 12-32P on September 27, 2013 which amends the salary schedule for the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association.
The Committee on Economic Development and Planning, to which was referred on September 11, 2013, Docket #1400, message and order transmitting the request from Sterling Suffolk Racecourse, LLC (Suffolk Downs) for an election on November 5, 2013 pursuant to the Expanded Gaming Act, M.G.L. Chapter 23K and the Massachusetts Gaming Commission Regulation 205 CMR 124, et seq., is hereby confirmed, submits a report recommending the order ought to pass.
Resolution filed by City Councilors Bill Linehan and Stephen Murphy in support of the passage of H 3035 before the Massachusetts Legislature to provide the Boston Police Deparmtent with concurrent jurisdiction over MassPort properties along the waterfront.