City Council Roll Call Votes - Beta
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The AI-generated summary titles featured on this page represent our first public use of generative AI on Using Google’s large language model, Gemini 1.5 Pro, we have used docket information to generate titles for the past 16 years of City Council roll call votes. Though still experimental, we hope the summary titles located in the section below will help people quickly review and understand key historical votes by the Boston City Council.
On this page, you can view more than 1,100 AI-generated titles, but please remember, there may be errors! While we think the summary titles are ready for an experimental release, there will always be room for improvement. Over the next few months, we will continue to improve the the accuracy of the titles, potentially by editing our prompts or using different AI models (such as Claude or ChatGPT 4.0).
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Roll Call votes
Councilors Fernandes Anderson, Breadon, Coletta Zapata, FitzGerald,
Flynn, Louijeune, Mejia, Murphy, Pepén, Santana, Weber and Worrell
offered the following: Resolution to support addressing the needs of the
Cabo Verdean Americans in Boston.
On motion of Councilor Fernandes Anderson, the rules were suspended; the
resolution was adopted; yeas 12.
Councilors Fernandes Anderson, Breadon, Coletta Zapata, FitzGerald,
Flynn, Louijeune, Mejia, Murphy, Pepén, Santana, Weber and Worrell
offered the following: Resolution to embrace and extend heartfelt wishes
to the beloved Muslim community in Boston, Massachusetts, throughout
the United States and across the globe, invoking blessings upon them as
they embark upon the sacred journey of Ramadan, a month revered for its
rituals of prayer, fasting, charity, and deep reflection.
On motion of Councilor Fernandes Anderson, the rules were suspended; the
resolution was adopted; yeas 12.
Councilors Worrell, Breadon, Coletta Zapata, Fernandes Anderson,
FitzGerald, Flynn, Louijeune, Mejia, Murphy, Pepén, Santana and
Weber offered the following: Petition for a Special Law RE: An Act
Directing the City of Boston Police Department to Waive the Maximum
Age Requirement for Police Officers for Jonathan Telfort.
On motion of Councilor Worrell, the rules were suspended; the petition was
passed; yeas 12.
Councilors Worrell, Breadon, Coletta Zapata, Fernandes Anderson,
FitzGerald, Flynn, Louijeune, Mejia, Murphy, Santana and Weber
offered the following: Petition for a Special Law RE: An Act Directing the
City of Boston Police Department to Waive the Maximum Age
Requirement for Police Officers for Gissell Melo.
Councilor Louijeune in the Chair.
On motion of Councilor Worrell, the rules were suspended; the petition was
passed; yeas 11, not present 1 (Pepén).
Councilors Weber, Louijeune, Mejia, Breadon, Coletta Zapata,
Fernandes Anderson, FitzGerald, Pepén, Santana and Worrell offered
the following: Resolution in support of immigrant's rights legislation,
including the Safe Communities Act, the Immigrant Legal Defense Act, and
the Dignity Not Deportations Act.
On motion of Councilors Weber and Louijeune, Rule 12 was invoked to
include Councilor Mejia as an original co sponsor.
On motion of Councilors Weber, Louijeune and Mejia, the rules were
suspended; the resolution was adopted; yeas 10, nays 2 (Flynn, Murphy).
On the message and order authorizing for your approval an Order
authorizing the City of Boston to submit to the Massachusetts School
Building Authority (MSBA) Statements of Interest for their Accelerated
Repair Program for the following schools: Boston Adult Technical
Academy, Hurley K 8 School, Mildred Avenue K 8 School, Mendell
Elementary School, Mary Lyon Pilot High School, Joyce Kilmer Lower
School, Margarita Muñiz Academy, Orchard Gardens K 8 School, Trotter
K 6 Elementary School. The Statements of Interest describe and explain the
deficiencies and the priority category for which the City of Boston may be
invited to apply to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the
future: Priority 5 Replacement, renovation or modernization of the school
facility systems, such as roofs, windows, boilers, heating and ventilation
systems, to increase energy conservation and decrease energy related costs
in a school facility, the committee submitted a report recommending that the
order ought to pass.
The report was accepted; the order was passed; yeas 12.
Councilor Worrell called Docket #0113, message and order for a
supplemental appropriation Order for the FY25 appropriation for the
Reserve for Collective Bargaining by Six Million Six Hundred
Thirty Seven Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Six Dollars ($6,637,486.00)
to cover the impact of FY25 cost items contained within the Collective
Bargaining agreement between Transdev and its bus drivers on the City’s
transportation contract with the vendor, Transdev. The term of the contract
is July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2028. The major provisions of the contract
include a market rate adjustment, an increase for regular wages and an
increase in minimum weekly hours from 31 to 35, from the Committee on
Ways and Means.
No objection being heard, the matter was properly before the body.
On motion of Councilor Worrell, the order was passed; yeas 13.
Councilor Worrell called Docket #0112, message and order for your
approval an Order to reduce the FY25 appropriation for the Reserve for
Collective Bargaining by Six Million Six Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand
Four Hundred Eighty Six Dollars ($6,637,486.00) to provide funding for
the Boston Public Schools (BPS) for the FY25 impact of increases
contained with the collective bargaining agreement between the Transdev
and its bus drivers, from the Committee on Ways and Means.
No objection being heard, the matter was properly before the body.
On motion of Councilor Worrell, the order was passed; yeas 13.
Councilor Coletta Zapata called Docket #0296, message and order for your
approval an Order extending the City’s acceptance of M.G.L. c.32B, §19, to
be effective until June 30, 2027, upon my approval and execution of a
written agreement with the Public Employee Committee (PEC), from the
Committee on Government Operations.
No objections heard, the matter was properly before the body.
On motion of Councilor Coletta Zapata, the order was passed; yeas 13.
Councilors Durkan, Breadon, FitzGerald, Coletta Zapata, Fernandes
Anderson, Flynn, Louijeune, Mejia, Murphy, Pepén, Santana, Weber
and Worrell offered the following: Resolution condemning federal cuts to
National Institutes of Health funding for Boston and Massachusetts.
On motion of Councilors Durkan and Breadon, Rule 12 was invoked to
include Councilor FitzGerald as an original co sponsor.
On motion of Councilors Durkan, Breadon and FitzGerald, the rules were
suspended; the resolution was adopted; yeas 13.