City Council Roll Call Votes
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Councilors Flynn, Breadon, Coletta Zapata, Durkan, Fernandes
Anderson, FitzGerald, Louijeune, Murphy, Pepén, Santana, Weber and
Worrell offered the following: Resolution celebrating Flag Day.
On motion of Councilor Flynn, the rules were suspended; the resolution was
adopted; yeas 12, not present 1 (Mejia).
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the
amount of Sixty Five Thousand Dollars ($65,000.00) in the form of a grant
for the Racial Equity Fund, awarded by the Boston Charitable Trust to be
administered by the Office of Equity. The grant will fund the City’s efforts,
in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, to update the 2015
Color of Wealth in Boston report and create a data driven action agenda to
address the racial equity wealth gap in the City of Boston.
The rules were suspended; the order was passed; yeas 13.
Councilors Louijeune, Weber, Breadon, Coletta Zapata, Durkan,
Fernandes Anderson, FitzGerald, Mejia, Murphy, Pepén, Santana and
Worrell offered the following: Resolution in support of H.4356, An Act
Promoting Housing Opportunity And Mobility Through Eviction Sealing.
Councilor Worrell in the Chair
On motion of Councilors Louijeune and Weber, Rule 12 was invoked to
include Councilor Breadon as an original co sponsor.
On motion of Councilors Louijeune, Weber and Breadon, the rules were
suspended; the resolution was adopted; yeas 12, not present 1 (Flynn).
Councilors Santana, Fernandes Anderson, Breadon, Coletta Zapata,
Durkan, FitzGerald, Flynn, Louijeune, Mejia, Murphy, Pepén, Weber
and Worrell offered the following: Resolution in support of the
Massachusetts Act to Ensure Legal Parentage Equality (H.1713/S.947), to
protect LGBTQ+ families and reproductive rights.
On motion of Councilor Santana, Rule 12 was invoked to include
Councilors Fernandes Anderson and Breadon, as original co sponsors.
On motion of Councilors Santana, Fernandes Anderson and Breadon, the
rules were suspended; the resolution was adopted; yeas 13.
Councilors Mejia, Weber, Breadon, Coletta Zapata, Durkan, Fernandes
Anderson, FitzGerald, Flynn, Louijeune, Murphy, Pepén, Santana and
Worrell offered the following: Resolution to support increasing diversity
and expanding opportunities for Boston municipal employees of color.
On motion of Councilors Mejia and Weber, the rules were suspended; the
resolution was adopted; yeas 13.
On the message and order, approving an appropriation of Forty Million
Dollars ($40,000,000.00) to the Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB)
Liability Trust Fund established under Section 20 of Massachusetts General
Laws Chapter 32B, the committee submitted a report recommending that
the order ought to pass.
The report was accepted, the order was passed; yeas 13.
On the message and order, referred on April 10, 2024, Docket #0677,
authorizing an appropriation order in the amount of Two Hundred Forty
Million Three Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($240,375,000.00)
for various capital improvement purposes for the Boston Public Schools,
the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to be read
once and passed; yeas 12, not present 1 (Mejia).
Assigned for further action.
On the message and order, referred on April 10, 2024, Docket #0676, an
appropriation order in the amount of One Hundred Eighty Four Million
Seven Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars ($184,780,000.00) for various
capital improvement purposes for city departments including the Boston
Center for Youth and Families, Boston Housing Authority, Boston Planning
and Development Agency, Boston Public Library, Environment, Fire,
Mayor’s Office of Housing, Office of Arts and Culture, Parks and
Recreation, Police, Property Management, Public Works, and the
Transportation Departments, the committee submitted a report
recommending the order ought to be read once and passed; yeas 11, nays 2
(Breadon, Mejia).
Assigned for further action
On the message and order, referred on April 10, 2024, Docket #0670, for
Annual Appropriation and Tax Order for FY2025, the committee submitted
a report recommending that the order ought to pass in an amended draft.
The report was accepted; the order as amended was passed; yeas 10, nays 3
(FitzGerald, Flynn, Murphy).
On the message and order, a home rule petition to the General Court
entitled "Petition for a Special Law Re: An Act Relative to Property Tax
Classification in the City of Boston," the committee submitted a report
recommending the petition ought to pass.
On motion of Councilor Coletta Zapata, the rules were suspended; the
petition was passed. yeas 8, nays 4 (FitzGerald, Flynn, Murphy, Worrell),
present 1 (Mejia).