City Council Roll Call Votes
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Councilor Baker called Docket #1198, message and order authorized the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Million Three Hundred Twelve Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Seven Dollars ($2,312,297.00) in the form of a grant, for the Community Benefits Agreement, awarded by the Boston Planning & Development Agency to be administered by the Transportation Department. The grant will fund transportation improvements, from the Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation. hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Baker, the order was passed; yeas 12.
Councilor Baker called Docket #1378, message and order for your approval an Order to declare surplus this City owned parcel currently under the management of the Boston Public Library and transfer the care, custody, management and control of said property to the Public Facilities Commission. The land is located at 151 Cambridge Street in the West End District (Ward 03 Parcel 00656000), from the Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Baker, the order was passed; yeas 12.
On the message and communication, received on August 9, 2023, Docket #1293, from the City Clerk of the filing by the Boston Planning and Development Agency regarding inclusionary zoning changes to the Boston Zoning Code, the committee submitted a report recommending that the communication ought to be accepted as presented. The report was accepted, the communication was accepted as presented; yeas 11, nays 1. (Baker)
On the message and order, referred on September 20, 2023, Docket #1475, for a supplemental appropriation Order for the Boston Fire Department for FY24 in the amount of Twenty Seven Million, Three Hundred Fifty Seven Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Six Dollars ($27,357,626.00) to cover the FY24 cost contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the City of Boston and the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), Local 718. The terms of the contract are July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. The major provisions of the contracts include base wage increases of 3%, 3%, and 2.5%, to be given in July of each fiscal year of the contract term, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed; yeas 12.
On the message and order, referred on September 20, 2023, Docket #1474, to reduce the FY24 appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by Twenty Seven Million, Three Hundred Fifty Seven Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Six Dollars ($27,357,626.00) to provide funding for the Boston Fire Department for the FY23 increases contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the City of Boston and the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), Local 718, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to pass. The report was accepted; the order was passed; yeas 12.
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend a grant from the Boston Planning and Development Agency in the amount not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000.00). Cost will be related to a transportation study examining design changes and improvements that can be made along Cambridge Street, Blossom Street, and North Grove/Cambridge Street intersection. The rules were suspended; the order was passed; yeas 12.
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend a grant from the Boston Planning and Development Agency in an amount not to exceed Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000.00) for cost related to the design and reconstruction of Blossom Street from Cambridge Street to Charles Street. The rules were suspended; the order was passed; yeas 12.
Councilor Worrell called Docket #1195, message and order authorizing the City of Boston to appropriate the amount of Nineteen Million Six Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($19,610,000.00) for the purpose of paying costs for constructing, equipping, and furnishing a new building for the William E. Carter School at 396 Northampton Street in the City of Boston, from the Committee on City Services and Innovation Technology. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Worrell, the order was read a second time and again passed; yeas 12; nays 0; not present 1 (Fernandes Anderson).
Councilor Worrell called Docket #1195, message and order authorizing the City of Boston to appropriate the amount of Nineteen Million Six Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($19,610,000.00) for the purpose of paying costs for constructing, equipping, and furnishing a new building for the William E. Carter School at 396 Northampton Street in the City of Boston, from the Committee on City Services and Innovation Technology. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Worrell, the order was read a second time and again passed; yeas 12; nays 0; not present 1 (Fernandes Anderson).
Councilor Worrell called Docket #01333, message and order for your approval, an order to reduce the FY23 appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by One Million Seven Hundred Five Thousand One Hundred Forty-Two Dollars ($1,705,142.00) to provide funding for the Boston Public Schools for the FY23 increases contained within the collective bargaining agreement between the Boston Public Schools and the Boston Association of School Administration and Supervisors (BASAS), from the Committee on City Services and Innovation Technology. No objection being heard, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Worrell, the rules were suspended; the order was passed; yeas 12.