Chronic Disease Prevention
Chronic Diseases are diseases that last a long time. Chronic diseases can be prevented and managed by lifestyle choices such as eating patterns, physical activity, and other health behaviors.
About our work
Chronic Diseases are diseases that last a long time and require ongoing medical attention. These diseases can often be prevented and managed by lifestyle choices such as:
- healthy eating
- physical activity
- quitting smoking, and
- early detection screening.
A person’s experience with the ‘social determinants of health” can also impact whether they develop a chronic disease. The social determinants of health are the conditions where people live, learn, work, and play that affect a wide range of health and quality of life risk and outcomes.
Programs and initiatives
Cancer Early Detection and Survivorship
Cancer is the leading cause of death in Boston. The Chronic Disease Prevention and Control division addresses inequities in cancer outcomes for Boston residents.
Nutrition Education
Check out our nutrition education series and resources on nutrition and access to healthy food.
South End Fitness Center
Get physically active at our gym in the South End. Use the equipment, hire a trainer, and take classes or a swim in the lap pool.
Boston Healthy Childcare Initiative
Brings together early childhood educators to collaborate on new initiatives for healthy eating and physical activity in their childcare programs.
Active Living and Fitness
Information on free fitness programs and resources throughout Boston
Safe Routes to School Boston
Learn about the citywide effort to make walking and biking to school safe, popular, and fun.
What we do
We provide programs and support policies that aim to prevent and manage chronic disease by making it easier for residents to make healthy choices and to improve the health of our neighborhoods. Diseases we focus on include:
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Disease/Heart disease
- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure/Hypertension
- Obesity
We provide programs that promote better nutrition and physical activity. Healthy food choices and physical activity are two ways to improve our health and well-being.
Along with physical activity and nutrition, we have programs for:
- cancer and chronic disease prevention, and
- helping people with the management of long-term or chronic illnesses