Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure is essential to Boston's work towards becoming a greener, more resilient, and equitable city.
The Office of Green Infrastructure (OGI) works collaboratively with all City departments to implement Green Infrastructure (GI) across the City. GI is an umbrella term for stormwater management features that use plants, soil, and other natural materials to remove pollutants and allow stormwater to absorb back into the ground. These features help prevent flooding and reduce the amount of polluted water that goes to the City’s water bodies. GI also has many environmental, social and economic benefits. Watch the video below to learn more!
Visit Green Infrastructure
Community-Based Flood Resilience and Green Infrastructure Planning
We want to hear from you - tell us about stormwater flooding!
Rain Barrels
Boston residents can get free or discounted rain barrels!
Volunteer Opportunities
Come to an event or adopt a GI feature through the Green Infrastructure Volunteer Program!
ResourcesPut your green skills to good use and help fortify Boston against the effects of climate change. Peruse our jobs board and apply today!
We've assembled green infrastructure planning and design resources - click here to access our Guidelines, Standard Details, Specifications, and more!