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B.T.A. Tree Planting Grant

We provide grants to community-based organizations to plant and care for trees through the Boston Tree Alliance (B.T.A.) Program.

Update: The next round of tree planting grants are open for projects in spring and fall 2025.


The Boston Tree Alliance Program is a grant program for tree planting, care, and education. The program focuses on expanding access to trees and their benefits in under-canopied, Environmental Justice communities in Boston. This program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)  through the City of Boston. Mass Audubon is contracted with the City to facilitate the distribution of grant funds and administer the program. This grant program provides funding support for nonprofit and community based organizations to pursue tree planting, care, and educational activities in partnership with land owners on non-publicly owned lands.  

Through the program - the “Alliance” - a coalition of nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, and urban forestry professionals - works collectively to equitably grow and care for the urban forest. As the program’s fiscal agent, Mass Audubon oversees Alliance convenings that inform the program’s development. The Alliance works alongside the City of Boston to support and advance the goals of the Urban Forest Plan and the Heat Plan.


For questions regarding the B.T.A. Tree Planting Grant, please email Someone from the program team will be in touch with you.  


American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Growth and Maintenance of Boston’s Tree Canopy Funds. 


Up to $ 150,000 


Up to $25,000   

  • Review the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to find more information about this grant and how to apply.
  • Organizations interested in tree planting and care are encouraged to apply for grant funding regardless of previous experience, as long as applicants demonstrate a commitment to the growth of the urban forest. 
  • Assistance is available for organizations to develop strong project proposals and implementation plans. If your organization would like assistance in building an application for future funding rounds, please notify the project team at  



A condensed application process is as follows: 

  • Submit application 
  • Initial review of proposals by the grant review team
  • Proposal revisions and finalization 
  • Final proposal submissions and approval 
  • Submit invoice to Mass Audubon
  • Disburse grant funds
  • Orientation for Spring 2024 grantees 

Please review the full Grant Applicant Checklist for the detailed application process. 


Grant applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis for spring and fall planting seasons. The following due dates for spring planting and fall planting applications in calendar year 2024 are as follows: 

  • Spring Planting: October 28th, 2024 (Applicants will be notified as soon as possible upon approval of their application for spring planting)

  • Fall Planting: April 30th, 2024


Applications will be reviewed by the Mass Audubon project team and City of Boston staff from the Parks and Recreation Department, Environment Department, and the Office of Green Infrastructure. The Boston Tree Alliance (“the Alliance”) and the City of Boston are committed to implementing transparent, equitable, and inclusive grantmaking practices which includes how funding is distributed. 


Eligible Applicants

Community-based organizations and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for funding through this grant program. Applicants need to meet all of the following criteria to be eligible:  

  • Be a community-based or non-profit organization that works with or serves Boston residents and Boston based organizations. 
  • Have a taxpayer identification number 
  • Have commercial general liability insurance. Organizations performing tree planting and/or maintenance activities will be required to provide proof of insurance. Applicants are asked to provide proof of commercial general liability insurance issued in the applicant organization's name with the amount of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate and workers compensation insurance in statutory amounts. 
Eligible Projects 

Eligible applicants may apply for funding for a project to be conducted on non-publicly owned land within the city of Boston. Examples of eligible uses of funding may include: 

  • ​​​​​Planting single trees on one or more properties
  • Planting multiple trees on one or more properties
  • Planting microforests or groves (establishing forested natural areas, groups of trees)
  • Site preparation for tree planting projects (depaving, decompaction, etc. as directly related to tree planting)
  • Maintenance activities associated with tree planting projects (watering, weeding, inspection, pruning, mulching, staking)
Project requirements prior to project approval: 
  • Proposed tree planting location(s). 
  • A tree planting and care plan that includes how follow-up by applicant and/or landowner will take place to ensure survival of tree(s).
  • A signed landowner agreement demonstrating permission to access the property for tree planting and care purposes for the agreed upon task and time frame.  
Project requirements following project approval:
  • Sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Mass Audubon, the grant program administrator. 
  •  Attend an orientation to learn how to review project requirements before planting projects begin. 

No match funding of any kind is required to receive funding though this grant.

The Urban Forest Plan, which guides the efforts of the program, found that 60% of Boston’s existing tree canopy is located on private land, and that the overall tree canopy is not equitably distributed across neighborhoods. Boston Tree Alliance Tree Planting Grants aims to:

  • Equitably increase access to trees and their benefits with a focus on low-canopy areas, urban heat islands, and environmental justice communities in the city of Boston.
  • Fund care and maintenance for trees to increase survival rates and promote long term growth of the urban canopy. 
  • Invest in long-term resilience including urban heat island mitigation and improvements to public health outcomes.
  • Build awareness and competency of tree planting and care best practices through public engagement and education.
  • Advance climate resilience and urban forestry strategies identified in the Heat Plan and UFP.
Ineligible Projects
  • Tree planting and care projects on publicly owned land (federal, state, and municipal). 
  • Tree care and maintenance of trees not planted through the Boston Tree Alliance Grant Program.
Ineligible Applicants 
  • For-profit corporations, public agencies, and individuals not representing a community-based or non-profit organization are not eligible to apply for funding through this grant program. Boston residents may request a tree planting on their property using this form. Every effort will be made to fulfill the request.

Grant Application Information Sessions

Have questions about the application process or need assistance with your application? Sign up for a session with the project team:


English: Interpretation, translation, and disability accommodation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them, please contact us at, or 617-804-1911                               

Spanish - Español: Hay servicios de interpretación, traducción y adaptaciones para discapacidades a su disposición sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros mandando un correo electrónico a, o llamando a 617-804-1911.  

Haitian Creole -Kreyòl ayisyen Sèvis entèpretasyon, tradiksyon, ak sèvis akomodasyon pou andikape disponib pou ou gratis. Si w bezwen sèvis sa yo, tanpri kontakte nou nan oswa 617-804-1911  

Traditional Chinese - 繁體中文:  我們可以為您提供免費的口譯, 筆譯, 和殘疾人士合理照顧服務。如有需要,前與我們連絡,發電子郵件至, 或致電 617-804-1911

Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt: Các dịch vụ thông dịch, dịch thuật và hỗ trợ người khuyết tật được cung cấp miễn phí cho bạn. Nếu bạn cần họ, vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ hoặc 617-804-1911

Simplified Chinese -  简体中文 我们可以为您提供免费的口译, 笔译, 和残疾人士合理照顾服务。如有需要,日 前与我们联系, 发电子邮件  或致电 617-804-1911

Cabo Verdean Creole - kriolu:  Nu ta oferese-bu sirvisus di interpretason, traduson y sirvisus di komodason pa gentis ku difisénsia di grasa. Si bu meste kes sirvisu la, kontata-nu pa email  ó pa telefóni, pa númeru 617-804-1911

 Arabic - العربية

خدمات الترجمة الشفوية والتحريرية والتسهيلات لذوي الإعاقة متوفرة لك دون تحملك أي تكلفة. إذا احتجت لهذه الخدمات، يرجى التواصل معنا على البريد الألكتروني ،(، أو على رقم الهاتف 6178041911.

Russian -Русский: Услуги устного и письменного перевода и по приспособлению инвалидов предоставляются бесплатно. Если Вам они нужны, просьба связаться с нами по адресу электронной почты либо по телефону 617-804-1911 

Portuguese - Português: Disponibilizamos serviços de tradução e interpretação e adaptações especiais para pessoas com deficiências gratuitamente. Para solicitar, envie e-mail para ou ligue para 617-804-1911

French - Français: Les services d'interprétation, de traduction et d'adaptation aux personnes handicapées sont à votre disposition gratuitement. Si vous en avez besoin, veuillez nous contacter à ou au 617-804-1911

Somali - Af Soomaali: Adeegyada tarjumaadda luuqadaha iyo hoyga naafada ayaa diyaar kuu ah adiga oo aan wax kharash ah ka bixin. Haddii aad u baahatid iyaga, fadlan nagala soo xiriir ama 617-804-1911

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