Learn about the free services Public Works provides, find your weekly collection schedule, check out our zero waste programs, and more!

Trash and Recycling
Download the Trash Day App
Never miss yard waste collection again.
With our free Trash Day app you can view a calendar for your home's collection dates, set reminders, and get notifications of schedule changes. You can also search a directory of hundreds of household items to find out the right way to dispose of them.
Events2025 Translations of Leaf and Yard Waste Calendars & Trash and Recycling Guides
TranslationsLearn More
Zero Waste Boston Plan
The City of Boston is dedicated to becoming a zero waste city. Click here to read the Zero Waste Plan, learn about the City’s plastic bag ban, and how you can help Boston reach its zero waste goals.
Boston's Zero Waste Directory
Find locations near you where you can donate or recycle items that can’t go in your home recycling bin or are too good to trash.
Food Waste Information
Food waste is collected and turned into compost and clean energy. Learn more about how you can compost your food waste.
Zero Waste Programs
Watch this short video to learn about Boston's many programs and services designed to make disposing of waste as safe and simple as possible.