An abatement is a reduction in your property taxes. You can submit an application by mail and in person.
Before you get started by mail
To file an abatement, you need to meet these requirements:
- You can only submit an application after your third-quarter tax bill and no later than February 3.
- You can only file an abatement for the current fiscal year. You can’t file an application for previous years.
The Assessing department has three months to review your application and respond.
Complete your application
We make applications available through Assessing Online after we issue third-quarter tax bills.
When you search for your property through Assessing Online, click the "details" link. That will pull up information on your property, as well as an option to download an Abatement application:
You can also contact the Assessing Department at 617-635-4288. We will send you an Abatement application, along with an Information Requisition Form.
- If you don’t give us the information we ask for in the form within 30 days of filing your abatement application, we will deny your application.
- If you don’t fill out the form, you may also lose your right to appeal to the Appellate Tax Board.
- If you are filing an abatement application because you think you may qualify for a statutory exemption, you must submit a completed Statutory Exemption Information Requisition Form.
Mail us your application
Complete the Abatement application and Information Requisition Form and send both to:
1 City Hall Square
Before you get started in person
To file an abatement, you need to meet these requirements:
- You can only submit an application after your third-quarter tax bill and no later than February 1.
- You can only file an abatement for the current fiscal year. You can’t file an application for previous years.
The Assessing department has three months to review your application and respond.
Go to Boston City Hall
You can fill out and complete an Abatement application and an Information Requisition Form at Boston City Hall.
- If you don’t give us the information we ask for in the form within 30 days of filing your abatement application, we will deny your application.
- If you don’t fill out the form, you may also lose your right to appeal to the Appellate Tax Board.
- If you are filing an abatement application because you think you may qualify for a statutory exemption, you must submit a completed Statutory Exemption Information Requisition Form.
Visit the Assessing Department in Room 301 or the Taxpayer Referral and Assistance Center on the Mezzanine level:
1 City Hall Square
Keep in mind
You have three months from the date of the Assessing Department decision to appeal to the tax board. You can get an appeal form at the tax board’s office:
100 Cambridge Street, 2nd Floor Suite 200
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-727-3100
Need to Know:
- The deadline to file a Fiscal Year 2025 real estate tax abatement application is February 3, 2025.
- We have information about filing for the residential exemption, and about filing for a personal exemption. Applications for the residential exemption and personal exemptions for Fiscal Year 2025 are due by April 1, 2025.
ROOM 301
BOSTON, MA 02201-2011