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Cold Weather Advisory
Mayor Wu has issued a cold weather advisory for Tuesday, January 21 - Thursday, January 23. Boston is also preparing for an anticipated six to eight inches of snowfall Sunday evening,
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Take action on climate change

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A guide to reduce your contribution to climate change and better prepare for it. 

Action of the Month

Winter is coming. Stay comfy and save money.

Weatherize Your home Today

Why take action

In Boston, a changing climate means extreme heat, stormwater flooding, coastal and riverine flooding and sea level rise. This warming and changing of our climate is a result of people all over the world releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through the use of fossil fuels. Every country, city, and person has a critical role to play in reducing global emissions that cause climate change. International agreements like the Paris Accord are meant to make sure everyone does their part in reducing emissions globally. But cities make up approximately 70% of the world’s total emissions which is why the hard work and big changes needs to happen at the local and individual level.

Here’s the thing: We can’t wait. Recent studies have proven that if we don’t accelerate our actions now, we won’t successfully curb global warming's most dangerous, and potentially fatal, impacts. 

Here’s the good news: You have the power to make a change. Like many cities, in Boston, our greenhouse gas emissions come from buildings, transportation, and waste. This means that the homes we live in, the places we work, and how we move between them hold great opportunity for all of us to take action on climate change. 

Reducing our contribution to climate change while also preparing for the impacts is vital to the health and safety of Boston residents, particularly communities of color, people with limited English proficiency, and people with low to no income. We encourage you to find something in this guide that you haven’t done before because every new action makes a difference. If you already recycle, great. Start biking. If you already recycle and bike, great. Weatherize your home. This guide is designed to help you make informed choices about which actions you can, and should, take next. 

About the Guide

This guide is made for individuals in Boston who can play a critical role in helping the City meet its goals of carbon neutrality, zero waste, and climate resiliency. It is meant to get you started with resources that the city provides, but it's by no means comprehensive. Feel free to supplement with your own research or prior knowledge. Many of the energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable transportation actions laid out in this resource can be taken taken at home, at school, at work, and around town. 

If at any point you have questions about the information in this guide, what the city is doing to address climate climate or you just have recommendations for improving this resource, please email Peyton Jones at

Your energy choices at home matter

To be carbon neutral, all Boston buildings and homes must do three things: increase efficiency, electrify everything, and use clean energy. About 20 percent of Boston’s emissions come from small residential homes. This means that as a homeowner or renter, you have a unique opportunity to have an incredible impact our city’s carbon footprint by reducing energy use and increasing efficiency at your house.

Electrification & Energy


Need to replace your gas or fuel oil heat and hot water system? Switch to an air source heat pump. They’re quiet and improve your indoor air quality. Mass Save and the MassCEC provide rebates and financing assistance. Go to for more details.


Did you know that you can earn direct payments from your utility for every kWh of electricity you produce? You’ll save significantly by not buying electricity from the grid. Learn more by visiting 

Climate Ready Home

Image for resilient harbor
Preparing for the impacts of climate change happens at many scales - harbor wide, neighborhood level, specific parks - but it happens also at the individual building and person scale. As a result, you are a key player as the City takes bold and creative Climate Resilience actions that will support Boston’s future. 

Here are climate ready actions you can take at home:

  1. Elevate your mechanicals and install a backflow preventer. This helps ensure your home is prepared for flooding and sea-level rise. While you’re at it, clean out your basement so that harmful chemicals don’t enter the ecosystems during a flooding event. It’s also important to make sure important documents and irreplaceable items are kept secure or clear from water damage. Remember, adapting buildings is one of the many ways that we are building a climate ready city. 
  2. Create an emergency preparedness kit. This kit would be used during a serious flooding event if the City were to order shelter in place. Learn what needs to be in your kit by visiting
  3. Talk to your neighbors about climate change. Part of preparing for climate changes means making sure that everyone knows what these changes mean for them, their family, and their home. 

Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines

Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines serve as a reference for residents, business owners and developers to translate flood resiliency strategies into best practices.

Read more.

Reduce Unwanted Mail

While there is no “do not mail” equivalent to the “do not call” list, here are two tips for reducing unwanted mail, and in so doing, reducing your carbon footprint and helping the city meet it’s zero waste goals: 

  1. Switch magazine subscriptions and bills to electronic delivery: On most magazine or bank websites, you’ll be able to login and change your account preferences to paperless. This will allow you receive notices by email instead of snail mail. 
  2. Unsubscribe from catalogs, credit offers and other unsolicited mail: There are several useful tools that allow you to remove your name and address from a number of mail category lists - like catalogs and advertisements. Google search “unsubscribe from unsolicited mail” and you can research the option that is best for you.

Sustainable Commuting in Boston

Almost 30 percent of Boston’s emissions come from people getting around Boston. One of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to avoid using fossil fuels when getting around Boston, especially to and from work. Below are low (and no) carbon commuting options.

Take the Bus or the T

Taking the bus or the T into Boston for work can be faster, cheaper, and better for our air. Learn more about discounted passes offered by your school or employer to make the switch from private vehicles to public transportation a bit easier.

    Driving in Boston

    1. If you need to take a car, share you ride by carpooling. Sharing your ride is a great way to save money and gas. 
    2. Rather than own a car, there are short-term rental options all over the City for you to use when needed.
    3. If you’re buying a car, check out fuel-efficient and electric vehicles. Once you have an electric vehicle, you’ll need to know where to charge it. (
    4. Turn off the motor when you pull over. Idling your car not only negatively impacts the air around you, but it’s also against the law. So remember to turn the key, and be idle free! Learn more by visiting the Air Pollution Control Commission's website on

    Climate Actions at School

    1. Create a Green Team: Recruit interested and supportive school community members to form a school Green Team. Agree to a shared purpose, develop goals, and create a climate action plan for your school. Once you start the team, register your school as a Green Team school, sponsored by MassDEP. Green Team schools receive educational tools, such as classroom and campaign posters, lesson plans, and recycling equipment. They are also eligible for grants and prizes. Check out for more information.
    1. Climate Education: Improve sustainability literacy by incorporating climate change into your curriculum. Climate Curriculum: K-12 Science Lessons on Climate Change (  was developed by a Boston Public Schools teacher and the Boston Student Advisory Council. Learning Lab ( is USGBC’s online education platform for K-12 teachers.
    2. Plant a Garden: Plant or adopt a street tree near your school. You can also use your school’s outdoor classroom or garden for outdoor teaching, learning, and play. Don’t have one? Connect with Friends of the Boston Schoolyards, the Boston Schoolyard Initiative legacy nonprofit. Visit for more information.
    3. Turn it off: When you leave school for the day, make sure your computer, lights, and other electronics are turned off. You’ll save a lot of energy by not having electronics running at night. Turning off lights and using natural daylight is also a great way to reduce building energy consumption.
    4. Recycle: Does your school have a recycling program? Talk with your teacher about options for your class if you don’t. If you do, make sure you and your peers  are recycling right. Visit for tips.

    Volunteer with Greenovate

    Sometimes sustainable actions can feel isolating because they are things you need to do at your house, or on your commute. That’s why getting out and volunteering with Greenovate, or with a local climate organization of your choosing, is a great way to take collective action on climate. To the right are some of the ways that you can get involved >>

    Image for greenovate

    1. Joining an urban wild cleanup is one way to get involved and volunteer with the City of Boston. It's a great way to clean up our conservation areas while also connecting with your neighbors!
    2. Greenovate street cleanups unite neighbors and communities through physical service, engagement, and youth development. These cleanups are hosted by the City’s Office of Neighborhood Services.
    3. Do you have an idea for a sustainability project in your neighborhood? Love Your Block Mini-grants are available to all residents who want to initiative project to improve public community spaces.
    4. Become a Greenovate Leader. Are you passionate about your community and concerned about climate change? We have exciting opportunities coming up through the Greenovate Boston Community Leaders program for you to learn about how climate change is impacting Boston, and what actions you can take to prepare for it.


    We need more climate leaders who will work with Mayor Walsh to make our city, our state, and our country, carbon-neutral and climate-ready. We encourage every Bostonian to register to vote and show up on election day.

    Download the Toolkit

    If you want to share copies of this toolkit with your friends and neighbors, feel from to download it!

    Download the toolkit

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