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Public Facilities Commission Meeting (DND)

The presenter is the Department of Neighborhood Development.

You can also watch the meeting on Boston City TV at Comcast channel 24, RCN channel 13, and on

Discussion Topics

  1. VOTE 1: Donald Wright, Deputy Director, Real Estate Management and Sales
    Transfer of the care, custody, management and control from the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) to the Boston Conservation Commission (BCC): Vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on DeForest Street, Hyde Park.
    Property Transfer
    Ward:  18
    Parcel Number:  08648000
    Square Feet:  5,000
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $31,600
    DND Program:  GrassRoots
    Subject to the approval of the Mayor under the provisions of St. 1909, c. 486, § 31A (as appearing in St. 1966, c. 642, § 12), the vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on DeForest Street (Ward: 18, Parcel: 08648000) containing approximately 5,000 square feet, in the Hyde Park district of the City of Boston, be and the same hereby is, transferred from the care, custody, management and control of the Department of Neighborhood Development to the care, custody, management and control of the Boston Conservation Commission.
    The aforementioned transfer of land is authorized in the name and on behalf of the Commission, upon receipt of written authority from the Mayor.
  2. VOTE 2: Joseph Backer, Housing Development Officer, Neighborhood Housing Development Division
    Tentative Developer Designation and Intent to Sell to New Urban Collaborative LLC: Vacant land located at 40-50 Warren Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $100
    Ward:  08
    Parcel Number: 02550000
    Square Feet:  8,296
    Future Use:  Mixed use
    Estimated Total Development Cost: $11,536,364
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $638,800
    Appraised Value June 10, 2019:  $1,245,000
    DND Program:  Neighborhood Housing
    RFP Issuance Date:  July 16, 2018
    That, having duly advertised a Request for Proposals to develop said property, New Urban Collaborative LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company, with an address of 183 West Canton Street, Boston, MA 02116, be tentatively designated as developer of the vacant land located at 40-50 Warren Street (Ward: 08, Parcel: 02550000) in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 8,296 square feet of land, for the period of 24 months from the date of the vote subject to such terms, conditions and restrictions as the Director deems appropriate for proper development of this property; and
    FURTHER VOTED: Subject to the approval of the Mayor under St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12) that it is the intent of this Commission to sell the aforementioned property to New Urban Collaborative LLC;
    AND, FURTHER, VOTED: That the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to advertise the intent of this Commission to sell the above described property in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966 and the applicable statutory terms of M.G.L. c.30B, section 16.
  3. VOTE 3: John Feuerbach, Senior Development Officer, Neighborhood Housing Development Division
    Amendment to the vote of October 24, 2018 to extend the Tentative Designation and Intent to Sell period from 12 to 17 months to Sell to New Urban Collaborative Limited: Vacant land located at 108, 110, 112 and 114 Marcella Street, 93-95, 97, 101, 105, 109, 113, 115, 121, 123 and 125-125R Marcella Street, unnumbered Beech Glen Street and unnumbered Thwing Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Time Extension
    1. TD – 10/24/2018 through 10/24/2019 = 12 months
    2. TD extension for an additional five (5) months 10/24/2019 through 03/24/2020 = 17 months
    TD total time is 17 months
    Ward: 11
    Parcel Numbers:  00819000, 00818000, 00817000, 00816000, 00564000, 00565000, 00566000, 00567000, 00568000, 00569000, 00570000, 00571000, 00572000, 00573000, 00511000, and 00537000
    Square Feet: 47,013 (total)
    Future Use:  New Construction – Housing
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $5,245,512
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $664,200 (total)
    Appraised Value August 16, 2017:  $1,011,000 (total)
    DND Program:  Neighborhood Housing
    RFP Issuance Date:  November 13, 2017
    That the vote of this Commission at its meeting on October 24, 2018 regarding the tentative designation and intent to sell the vacant land located at:
    108 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00819000, Square Feet: 1,738
    110 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00818000, Square Feet: 1,795
    112 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00817000, Square Feet: 1,852
    114 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00816000, Square Feet: 1,909
    93-95 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00564000, Square Feet: 3,450
    97 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00565000, Square Feet: 2,004
    101 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00566000, Square Feet: 2,132
    105 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00567000, Square Feet: 2,202
    109 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00568000, Square Feet: 2,172
    113 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00569000, Square Feet: 2,101
    115 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00570000, Square Feet: 3,000
    121 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00571000, Square Feet: 3,000
    123 Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00572000, Square Feet: 2,746
    125-125R Marcella Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00573000, Square Feet: 2,804
    Unnumbered Beech Glen Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00511000, Square Feet: 5,708
    Unnumbered Thwing Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00537000, Square Feet: 8,400
    in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 47,013 total square feet of land, to New Urban Collaborative Limited, a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 183 West Canton Street, Suite 4, Boston, MA 02116;
    be, and hereby is amended as follows:
    By deleting the figure and word: “12 months” and substituting in place thereof the following figure and word: “17 months” wherever such may appear.
  4. VOTE 4: John Feuerbach, Senior Development Officer, Neighborhood Housing Development Division
    Amendment to the vote of October 24, 2018 to extend the Tentative Designation and Intent to Sell period from 12 to 36 months to Sell to Rees-Larkin Development LLC: Vacant land located at 273, 275, 277, 279, 281-281A, 283 and 287 Highland Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Time Extension
    1. TD – 10/24/2018 through 10/24/2019 = 12 months
    2. TD extension for an additional twenty-four (24) months 10/24/2019 through 10/24/2021 = 36 months
    TD total time is 36 months
    Ward: 11
    Parcel Numbers: 00840000, 00841000, 00842000, 00843000, 00844000, 00845000, and 00846000
    Square Feet:  16,354 (total)
    Future Use:  New Construction – Housing
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $9,183,970
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $286,700 (total)
    Appraised Value August 16, 2017:  $690,000 (total)
    DND Program:  Neighborhood Housing
    RFP Issuance Date:  November 13, 2017
    That the vote of this Commission at its meeting on October 24, 2018 regarding the tentative designation and intent to sell the vacant land located at:
    273 Highland Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00840000, Square Feet: 3,747
    275 Highland Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00841000, Square Feet: 1,592
    277 Highland Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00842000, Square Feet: 1,592
    279 Highland Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00843000, Square Feet: 1,708
    281-281A Highland Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00844000, Square Feet: 1,629
    283 Highland Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00845000, Square Feet: 1,640
    287 Highland Street, Ward: 11, Parcel: 00846000, Square Feet: 4,446
    in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 16,354 total square feet of land, to Rees-Larkin Development LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company, with an address of 179 Boylston Street, Building P, Boston, MA 02130;
    be, and hereby is amended as follows:
    By deleting the figure and word: “12 months” and substituting in place thereof the following figure and word: “36 months” wherever such may appear.
  5. VOTE 5: Sheila Dillon, Chief and Director, Department of Neighborhood Development
    By this writing, signed by a majority of its members and filed with the Secretary, the City of Boston Public Facilities Commission, upon written recommendation of the Director of the Department of Neighborhood Development, does hereby vote:
    VOTED:  “Subject to the approval of the Mayor, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 3(ii)(v) of Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966, the Public Facilities Commission does hereby authorize and direct the following named individuals, in the name and on behalf of the Commission, to execute and deliver such documents, instruments and certificates as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by such named individuals relating to the Public Facilities Commission’s approved acquisition or conveyance of real property or to the discharge, satisfaction, subordination or termination of instruments of record which have been recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds or filed for registration with the Suffolk Registry District of the Land Court. Deeds or Orders of Taking to be recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds or to be filed for registration with the Suffolk Registry District of the Land Court shall be accompanied by a separate vote of this Commission specifically authorizing such conveyance or acquisition. Said named individuals are further authorized and directed to execute and deliver Loan Agreements and Grant Agreements involving the City of Boston, Department of Neighborhood Development, in the name and on behalf of the Commission as they may deem necessary or appropriate.”
     Sheila A. Dillon, Chief and Director
     Department of Neighborhood Development
     Marcy J. Ostberg, Director of Operations
     Department of Neighborhood Development
     Rick M. Wilson, Director of Administration and Finance
     Department of Neighborhood Development
     Robert C. Gehret, Jr., Deputy Director
     Department of Neighborhood Development
     Debra Rufo, Controller
     Department of Neighborhood Development
    FURTHER VOTED:  That this authorization is effective immediately and shall remain in effect until such time as it is expressly rescinded, in whole or in part, by a vote of this Commission.
    FURTHER VOTED:  The taking of the foregoing vote and the naming of the above individuals, when approved by the Mayor of Boston, shall serve to expressly rescind that certain Certificate of Authority dated February 13, 2019 recorded on February 22, 2019, with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 60773 at Page 128, and filed with the Suffolk Registry District of the Land Court as Document Number 891750.
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