City Council meeting
The City Council is holding a meeting on November 20 at 12 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public. You can also watch meetings on Comcast channel 8, RCN channel 82, Verizon channel 1964, and online at
PLEASE NOTEThe schedule for meetings is subject to change at the call of the City Council president.
Discussion Topics
1585 Message and ordinance amending City of Boston Code, Ordinances, Chapter XVII. The purpose of this amendment is to allow the Inspectional Services Department to recover costs for conducting inspections outside of normal business hours by charging a fee for such inspections.Filed in the City Clerk's Office on November 18, 2019.1586 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Thirteen Million Five Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($13,520,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the Urban Area Security Initiative FFY2019, awarded by the United States Department of Homeland Security, passed through the MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, to be administered by the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management. The grant will fund the continued support of unique planning, exercises, trainings and operational needs that will assist in building enhanced and sustainable security capacities to help prevent, respond to and recover from threat of acts of terrorism, including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) incidents.1587 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Four Hundred Six Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,406,550.00) in the form of a grant, for the FFY19 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program, awarded by the United States Department of Homeland Security, to be administered by the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management. The grant will fund comprehensive planning for housing needs following a disaster in the Boston region covered by this grant.1588 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars ($170,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Clean Vehicle Project, awarded by the MA Department of Energy Resources to be administered by Central Fleet Management. The grant will fund installation of hybrid fuel systems in existing City of Boston light duty vehicles.1589 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Seventy-One Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-Five Dollars ($71,355.00) in the form of a grant for the FFY2019 Emergency Management Performance Grant, awarded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, passed through the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, to be administered by the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management. The grant will fund the increased ability to effectively provide prompt and accurate public information and alerts. It will also enhance capacity across the Commonwealth to recover from acts of terrorism, as well as natural, technological and intentional hazards.1590 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Sixty Three Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars ($63,960.00) in the form of a grant for the Clean Vehicle Project, awarded by the MA Department of Energy Resources to be administered by Central Fleet Management. The grant will fund installation of hybrid fuel systems in existing City of Boston heavy duty vehicles.1591 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Fifty Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars and Thirty-Six Cents ($50,825.36) in the form of a grant for Tiny Tots, awarded by the Leahy-Holloran, Ohrengerger and Roslindale Preschool programs to be administered by the Boston Centers for Youth & Families. The grant funds partial reimbursement of the cost of pre-school programs at Leahy-Holloran, Ohrenberger and Roslindale Community Centers.1592 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($9,975.00) in the form of a grant for the Preservation Assistance Grant, awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities to be administered by the City Clerk’s Office. The grant will fund purchases of flat files and supplies for preservation of oversized materials.1593 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expect the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Non-Matching Scholarship Grant, awarded by the National Art Program Foundation to be administered by the Office of Arts and Culture. The grant will fund National Arts Program Award Reception.1594 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Wen Wen, as an alternate member of the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission for a term expiring on May 1, 2023.1595 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Matthew Blumenthal, as alternate member of the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission for a term expiring on May 1, 2024.1596 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Arian Allen, as an alternate member of the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission for a term expiring on May 1, 2024.1597 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Alice Richmond, as an alternate member of the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission for a term expiring on May 1, 2020.1598 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Helen Pillsbury, as an alternate member of the Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2021.1599 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of John Bligh, as a member of the Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2022.1600 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Nakeeda Burns, as a member of the Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2022.1601 Message and order for the confirmation of the reappointment of Sharon Cayley, as an alternate member of the Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2021.1602 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Susan Trowbridge, as a member of the St. Botolph Architectural Conservation District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2022.1603 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Douglas Miller, as an alternate member of the St. Botolph Architectural Conservation District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2021.1604 Message and order for the confirmation of the reappointment of Barbara Wennerholm, as a member of the St. Botolph Architectural Conservation District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2020.1605 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Paul Wright, as an alternate member of the South End Landmark District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2021.1606 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of David Shepperd, as a member of the South End Landmark District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2022.1607 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Catherine Hunt, as a member of the South End Landmarks District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2022.1608 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Fabian D'Souza, as a member of the South End Landmark District Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2021.
1609 Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Michael Wilson, as a member of the Boston Conservation Commission, for a term expiring November 1, 2022.1610 Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Michael Parker, as a member of the Boston Conservation Commission, for a term expiring November 1, 2022.1611 Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of John P. Sullivan, as a member of the Boston Conservation Commission, for a term expiring November 1, 2022.1612 Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Anne Herbst, as a member of the Boston Conservation Commission, for a term expiring November 1, 2022.1613 Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Alice Richmond, as a member of the Boston Conservation Commission, for a term expiring November 1, 2022.1614 Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Kristin Kleisner, as a member of the Boston Conservation Commission, for a term expiring November 1, 2022.1615 Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Russell Preston, as a Commissioner to the Air Pollution Control Commission, for a term expiring September 1, 2022.1616 Notice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Sarah Lee, as a Commissioner to the Air Pollution Control Commission, for a term expiring September 1, 2022.1617 Notice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Leah Camhi, as a Trustee to the Boston Groundwater Trust, for a term expiring March 1, 2021.1618 Notice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of October 23, 2019.1619 Notice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of October 30, 2019.1620 Notice was received from the Mayor of his absence from the City from 7:00 A.M. on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 until 8:00 P.M. on Wednesday, November 13, 2019.1621 Notice was received from the Mayor of his absence from the City from 7:00 A.M. on Sunday, November 17, 2019 until 7:00 A.M. on Wednesday, November 20, 2019.1622 Communication was received from Brian P. Golden, Director of the Boston Planning and Development Agency regarding Proposed Minor Modification to the Charlestown Urban Renewal Plan, Project No. Mass. R-55, with respect to the creation of Parcel 19B.1623 Communication was received from Brian P. Golden, Director of the Boston Planning and Development Agency regarding Proposed Minor Modification to the South End Urban Renewal Plan, Project No. Mass. R-56, with respect to the creation of Parcel 17.
0315 The Committee on Government Operations, to which was referred on February 6, 2019 Docket #0315, an ordinance Establishing Equitable Regulation of the Cannabis Industry in the City of Boston, submits a report recommending the ordinance ought to pass in a new draft.0188 The Committee on Government Operations, to which was referred on January 16, 2019, Docket #0188, an ordinance relative to the establishment of an independent commission on equal opportunity and the elimination of systemic bias in the workplace, submits a report recommending the ordinance ought to be placed on file.1553 The Committee on City, Neighborhood Services and Veteran and Military Affairs, to which was referred on November 6, 2019 Docket #1553, order approving an appropriation of Six Hundred Ninety-Two Thousand, Two Hundred Eight Dollars ($692,208.00) from the Edward Ingersoll Browne Fund for projects described in the attached Order. The Edward Ingersoll Browne Fund Commissioners met on October 23, 2019, and voted to approve these projects. It is my belief and that of the Commission that these projects will "ornament the City's street, ways, squares and parks" as Mr. Browne directed in his Will in the year 1892, submits a report recommending the ordinance ought to pass.
1338 Order for a hearing to discuss pedestrian crossing signals, traffic calming, and Vision Zero.0647 Order regarding a text amendment for Boston Zoning Code relative to Fair Housing and Integrated Communities.1055 Order for a hearing to discuss transportation network companies operating in Boston.
1624 Councilor Ciommo offered the following: Order that pursuant to Chapter 40, section 56, the residential factor in the City of Boston for FY2020 shall be the minimum residential factor as determined by the Commissioner of Revenue pursuant to M. G. L. Chapter 58, section 1A and be it further that pursuant to Chapter 59, section 5C, as amended, a residential exemption in the amount of value equal to thirty five percent (35%) of the average assessed value of all Class One-Residential parcels in the City of Boston be, and hereby is approved for Fiscal Year 2020.1625 Councilors Wu and Edwards offered the following: Resolution in support of divesting independent retirement systems from fossil fuel companies.1626 Councilor Edwards offered the following: Resolution in opposition to a rule proposed by the National Labor Relations Board.1627 Councilors O'Malley and Flynn offered the following: Resolution in support of an Act for Utility Transition to Using Renewable Energy (FUTURE Act) H. 2849/ S. 1940.
1628 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Ciommo offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Deborah Glennon, Thomas R. Jackson, Daniel Polanco, Christian Stafford, and Stefan Poltorzycki in City Council effective November 30, 2019.1629 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Ciommo offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Deborah Glennon, Thomas R. Jackson, Daniel Polanco, Christian Stafford, and Stefan Poltorzycki in City Council effective December 7, 2019.1630 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Garrison offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Stephen Kamau and Mark W. Murphy in City Council effective November 23, 2019.1631 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Garrison offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Stephen Kamau and Mark W. Murphy in City Council effective November 30, 2019.1632 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Zakim offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Matthew Brodeur, Nicholas G. Carter, Jamie Howell-Walton and Zoe Swarzenski in City Council effective November 23, 2019.1633 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Zakim offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Matthew Brodeur, Nicholas G. Carter, Jamie Howell-Walton and Zoe Swarzenski in City Council effective November 30, 2019.1634 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Edwards offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Michael E. Bonetti, Gabriella Coletta, Ricardo Patron and Joel A. Wool in City Council effective November 23, 2019.1635 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Edwards offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Michael E. Bonetti, Gabriella Coletta, Ricardo Patron and Joel A. Wool in City Council effective November 30, 2019.1636 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Ana E. Calderon, Melissa Lo, Sophia Wang, and Charlie Levin in City Council effective November 23, 2019.1637 Councilor Campbell for Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Ana E. Calderon, Melissa Lo, Sophia Wang, and Charlie Levin in City Council effective November 30, 2019.
Legislative Calendar for November 6, 2019.
1638 Councilor Edwards offered the following: Resolution in memory of Ciaran J. Dillon.1639 Councilor Janey offered the following: Resolution recognizing Alice Selden.1640 Councilors Wu and Janey offered the following: Resolution recognizing Idella Payne.1641 Councilor Wu offered the following: Resolution recognizing Thelma V. White.1642 Councilor Edwards offered the following: Resolution in memory of Sergio Goncalves.1643 Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Resolution congratulating Terrance O'Malley.1644 Councilor Janey offered the following: Resolution recognizing Joyce Stanley.1645 Councilor Janey offered the following: Resolution congratulating Dr. David Defoe.1646 Councilor Janey offered the following: Resolution congratulating Dr. Dorothea Robinson.1647 Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution in memory of Rose Pappas.1648 Councilor Ciommo offered the following: Resolution recognizing Joyce Radnor.1649 Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing the League of Women Voters of Boston.1650 Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution in memory of Lieut. Joseph Edward Finneran.1651 Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Pat Coppinger.1652 Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution in memory of Mark Joseph Sark.1653 Councilor Flaherty offered the following: Resolution recognizing Greater love Tabernacle.1654 Councilor Flaherty offered the following: Resolution congratulating Diany Mota.1655 Councilor Flaherty offered the following: Resolution congratulating "El Jeffrey".1656 Councilor Flaherty offered the following: Resolution congratulating Ada Peralta.