Tree Removal Hearing: South End
In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 87, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department will hold a virtual public hearing on a request to remove one (1) public shade tree at 10 Chandler Street, South End.
Discussion Topics
The request is for the removal of one (1) Oak tree measuring 4 inches DBH (diameter at breast height) in order to install a new driveway curb cut for the Animal Rescue League of Boston at 10 Chandler St, South End.
The hearing will be held by the City of Boston’s Tree Warden (or designee) remotely on Thursday, April 3, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom.
The information for the ZOOM hearing is as follows:
To participate by phone: 1-646-558-8656
Webinar ID: 879 0515 7219
Public comments, questions or objections to the removal of these trees must be submitted in writing prior to or during the hearing to the Tree Warden, Boston Parks and Recreation Department, 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, 3rd floor, Roxbury, MA 02118 or by emailing with “Chandler Street Tree Hearing” in the subject line.
A final decision regarding the request will be made within two weeks of the hearing. For further information, please contact the Tree Warden at 617-635-8733.