21 Milk Street Proposed Cannabis Establishment
The Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services will host a virtual community meeting for a proposed cannabis establishment on Thursday, April 3, 2025, at 6 p.m.
- Event password: 821 6968 1507
- Call in Number: +1-646-558-8656
There will be an opportunity for the public to raise comments, questions, and concerns.
If you any questions or comments about this proposal, please contact:
Conor Newman
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services
617-635-2093 | conor.newman@boston.gov
Please note: The City does not represent the owner(s)/developer(s)/attorney(s)/applicant(s),. The purpose of this notice is to notify area abutters to this project proposal. This flyer has been dropped off by the proponents per the City’s request.
Discussion Topics
Application Name: Curaleaf Massachusetts, Inc
Application Address: 21 Milk Street, Boston
License Type: Co-located Marijuana Retailer & Medical Treatment Center License