Boston Public Library Trustees Meeting
The meeting of the Trustees as a Corporation and Administrative Agency will be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 8:30 a.m. in the Central Library, Rabb Hall, 700 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116.
This is an open meeting. The public is welcome to attend. In-person or stream virtually:
- Webinar ID: 815 9873 2283
- Call in: 1-646-558-8656, 1-646-931-3860, or 1-301-715-8592
Discussion Topics
I. Chair’s Report
Dr. Ray Liu, ChairA. Call to Order
1. Acknowledge EDI statement
2. Roll Call
3. Review and Approval of Minutes for the February 4, 2025 MeetingII. President’s Report
David Leonard, President
A. Library Appropriate Use Policy Updates
Audrey Wynne, Policy Advisor & Legal LiaisonB. Discuss BPL-OpenAI initiative Jessica Chapel, Chief of Digital & Online Services
C. Strategic Plan Rollout: In Process Updates
D. General Updates
III. Trustees Finance and Audit Committee
Evelyn Arana-Ortiz, Committee ChairA. Votes to Approve
Emily Tokarczyk, Chief Financial Officer1. Purchase of Chinatown Branch Library Condo
Alison Ford, Major Projects Manager and Thomas Broom, Asst. Corporation Counsel of City of Boston
VOTED: "that, the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston approve the purchase of the condominium for the purpose of establishing the Chinatown Branch Library at 49 Hudson St, Boston MA 02111 in an amount not to exceed eleven million eight- hundred twelve thousand five-hundred dollars ($11,812,500.00) from the Asian Community Development Corporation, 38 Oak St Boston, MA 02111.
2. E-Rate Contracts
Keith Gillette, Chief Technology Officera. Multi-Site Connectivity Contract – e-Rate funding eligible
VOTED: “that, the Board of Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston approve a one-year contract with option to renew for two additional years, not to exceed Six Hundred Five Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Dollars ($605,280.00) with the City of Boston Department of Innovation and Technology, One City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201.
b. MBLN Wi-Fi Network Replacement – e-Rate funding eligible
VOTED: “that, the Board of Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston approve a one-time contract, not to exceed Four Hundred-Ninety Thousand Seven- Hundred Thirty-Six Dollars and Thirty-Five Cents ($490,736.35) with ePlus Technology, Inc., 13595 Dulles Technology Drive, Herndon, VA 20171.
IV. Vote for Executive Session
Dr. Ray Liu, Chair*Purpose is to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining given that the chair has declared that an open meeting discussion may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the library, under exemption #3 of MA Open Meeting Law.
VOTED: “that, the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston approve to enter into Executive Session for the purpose to discuss collective bargaining strategy under Exemption 3 of MA Open Meeting Law.”
*Executive Session will be held at the conclusion of the public meeting. The Board of Trustees will not reconvene in a public session.
V. New BusinessVI. Public Comment
*Please sign up for public comment within the first 30 minutes of the meeting to support effective time management. On occasion, additional public comments on matters formally on the agenda may be allowed at the discretion of the Chair, and if time permits. Members of the public are also reminded that comments may alternatively be submitted in writing to the Clerk for distribution to the Trustees.VII. Adjournment
Dr. Ray Liu, Chair*Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 20, 2025 Annual Meeting at Central Library at 8:30am.
(Subject to change, please see website for details)
Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston
Dr, Ray Liu, Chair; Evelyn Arana Ortiz, Vice Chair,
Navjeet Bal, Joe Berman, Jim Canales, Cheryl Cronin, John Hailer, Jeff Hawkins, Julie Kim, Jonathan Lavine,
Jose C. Masso III, Porsha Olayiwola, Senator Mike Rush, Christian Westra, and Lynn Perry WootenPresident, David Leonard
Clerk of the Board, Pamela R. Carver