Public Facilities Commission Meeting (PFD)
The presenter is the Public Facilities Department.
Discussion Topics
VOTE 1: Lisa Schwab, Project Manager
Amendment to the vote of May 17, 2023: Regarding a contract with Anser Advisory Management LLC to provide owner project manager services (OPM) associated with the 2021 Massachusetts School Building Authority’s (MSBA) Accelerated Repairs Program (ARP) project at four (4) Boston Public Schools located in Roxbury and Dorchester.
Increase of $137,100
That the vote of this Commission at its meeting of April 15, 2022 and, thereafter, amended on January 18, 2023 and May 17, 2023, regarding a contract with Anser Advisory Management LLC to provide owner project manager services (OPM) associated with the 2021 Massachusetts School Building Authority’s (MSBA) Accelerated Repairs Program (ARP) project at four (4) Boston Public Schools located at:
Boston Day and Evening Academy, 20 Kearsarge Avenue, Roxbury
Rafael Hernandez K-8 School, 61 School Street, Roxbury
William W. Henderson Upper School, 18 Croftland Avenue, Dorchester
William E. Russell Elementary School, 750 Columbia Road, Dorchesterbe, and hereby is, amended as follows:
By deleting the following words and figures: “at an amended total cost not to exceed $809,843, including $544,487 for additional basic fee services” and substituting in place thereof the following words and figures: “at a contract cost not to exceed $946,943, including $137,100 for additional basic fee services.”
The Director is, also, authorized to execute such contract amendment, in the name and on behalf of the Commission, upon receipt of said written authority from the Mayor.