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Boston Groundwater Trust Meeting

The Boston Groundwater Trust Trustees meeting will be held on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 4 p.m. in the Lenox Hotel, 710 Boylston Street, Boston.

Attention: This meeting will be held in person with an option to attend virtually at the link below:

Join the Zoom meeting

Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda
    • 1. Presentation from Alessandro F. Rotta Loria, Ph.D. on the silent impact of underground climate change on civil infrastructure: 30
    • 2. Adoption of minutes from July 11 meeting: 05 VOTE REQUIRED
    • 3. Financial report: 05
    • 4. Addition of nominating entity: 10
    • 5. Remote well reading devices: 10
    • 6. Executive Director’s report: 05
    • 7. Other business: 05
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