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Boston Fair Housing Commission Meeting

The Boston Fair Housing Commission (BFHC) will be meeting in person at 1 City Hall Square, Suite 966 Boston, MA 02210, on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 10:30 AM for its monthly commissioners meeting.


Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda

    1.    Meeting Called to Order / Opening Remarks

    2.    Ratify Previous Meeting Minutes

    ●    July 9, 2024 BFHC Commissioners Meeting

    3.    Commission Decision and Vote on Hearing Orders

    a.    Commissioner Ezedi and Commissioner Paintal

    i.    2024-BFHC-016  Clara Long v. Family Independence et al 

    b.    Commissioner Flores

    i.    2021-BFHC-065 Maria Matos v. Winn Management et al: 

    4.    Executive Report: Overview and Updates

    ●    Operation Updates

    5.    Upcoming BFHC meeting

    ●     Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.


    6.    Closing Remarks and Meeting Adjournment

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