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Zoning Advisory Board of Appeal hearing

The subcommittee meeting is holding a hearing on May 14, 2020, at 5 pm.

The Boston Zoning Code has information on the Articles and definitions of terms in this agenda

The May 14, 2020 hearing of the Subcommittee will be held virtually, via video teleconferencing and/or telephone. Interested persons can participate in the hearing REMOTELY by following the link to the virtual hearing, or by calling into the virtual hearing via telephone. Please follow the appropriate instructions below:


Meeting number (access code): 352 503 969

Meeting password: fxHud8tt7c7

JOIN BY PHONE: +1-408-418-9388 (Call-in numbers)

Further instructions on how to offer comments during the virtual hearing will be provided prior to the hearing. Instructions for commenting will also be provided during the hearing.

All matters listed on this May 14, 2020 Subcommittee agenda were originally scheduled and noticed, in accordance with the Enabling Act, for the March 19, 2020 Subcommittee hearing. Due to the public health emergency, that hearing was postponed and all matters deferred to this May 14, 2020 Subcommittee hearing.

Recommendations made on the matters before the Subcommittee will be voted on for approval by the full Board on May 19, 2020.

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics

  1. HEARINGS: 5:00 p.m.

    Case: BOA-1029344  Address: 56 Green Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Isamu Kanda

    Article(s): 62(62-25) 62(62-8: Floor area ratio excessive & Rear yard insufficient)

    Purpose: Add rear dormer, rebuild existing 2nd floor deck, interior renovation, add full sprinkler system.


    Case: BOA-1029342  Address:16 Hill Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Isamu Kanda

    Article(s): 19(19-1) 20(20-1) 43(43-9.4)

    Purpose: Touching exterior roofline to enlarge front + rear dormers. Interior remodel of 1st fl kitchen/living & 3rd fl master bedroom suite. Structural header above 1st fl to widen existing openings. Structural header at 3rd floor to remove existing chimney below 3rd fl.


    Case: BOA-1034626  Address: 37 Dwight Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Highline Development

    Article(s): 64(64-9.4)

    Purpose: Construct a roof deck with roof hatch access. Construct rear deck. Both with exclusive use to Unit.


    Case: BOA#1034625  Address: 37 Dwight Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Highline Development

    Purpose:Construct a roof deck with roof hatch access. Construct rear deck. Both with exclusive use to Unit #2. Section 9th 780 CMR 1011 Stairways. 1011.3 Headroom. Stairways shall have a headroom clearance of not less than 80 inches.


    Case: BOA1048227  Address: 444 West Fourth Ward: 6  Applicant: Ian Feeney

    Article(s): 18(18-1)

    Purpose: Frame shed dormer on front of house.


    Case: BOA-1050562  Address: 13 Mills Street Ward: 12 Applicant: Jimmy McNeil

    Article(s): 9(9-1) 50(50-29: Side yard setback is insufficient & Rear yard setback is insufficient)

    Purpose: Install deck on top of roof and deck on top of garage. Install 1 sliding door.


    Case: BOA-1043218  Address: 58 Rockne Avenue Ward: 16 Applicant: Matthew Murphy

    Article(s): 19(19-1) 20(20-20-8)

     Purpose: Construct 1 story bathroom addition. ZBA required.


    Case: BOA-1036733  Address: 37 Melville Avenue Ward: 17 Applicant: Timothy Sheehan

    Article(s): 9(9-1)

    Purpose: New Addition to kitchen one story high Remodel three bathrooms two kitchens two stair cases and new entrance to third floor apartment And new decks back and side.


    Case: BOA-1043432  Address: 28 Roslin Street Ward: 17  Applicant: Laurie Fisher

    Article(s): 19(19-1)

    Purpose: Use of premises for 2 parking spaces.


    Case: BOA-1046572  Address: 11-13 Halifax Street Ward: 19 Applicant: Ashley Rao

    Article(s): 55(55-9: Floor area ratio is excessive & Height is excessive (2 1/2 stories max, allowed))

    Purpose: Interior and exterior renovation of attic with dormers and new exterior windows.


    Case: BOA-1027608  Address: 20-22 Bradfield Avenue  Ward: 20 Applicant: Eric Falcon

    Article(s): 10(10-1) 67(67-32: Off-street parking location & Off-street parking design)

    Purpose: Adding a 2 Car parking space in Front Yard. Removing existing landscaping.


    Case: BOA-1029197  Address: 96 Chesbrough Road Ward: 20  Applicant: Ivan Hernandez

    Article(s): 56(56-8: Front yard insufficient & Rear yard insufficient)

     Purpose: Construct new mudroom, front porch and second story addition to existing single-family dwelling.


    Case: BOA-1027233  Address: 38 Linnet Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Andrew marsh & Gina Marsh

    Article(s): 56(56-8)

    Purpose: Attic conversion to master bedroom and bath. All new electrical, plumbing, insulation, board and plaster, hardwoods, tile. We will remove all construction debris with a dumpster in owners driveway.


    Case: BOA-1029202  Address: 150 Sanborn Avenue Ward: 20 Applicant: Ivan Hernandez

    Article(s): 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive, Front yard insufficient & Side yard insufficient)

    Purpose: Demo existing right side mudroom and reconstruct larger as per plans. Construct new rear deck per plans. Renovate basement, first and second floors per plan.


    Case: BOA-1023357  Address: 14 Thurlow Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Christopher and Nicole Farnsworth

    Article(s): 56(56-8: Floor area ratio excessive, Front yard insufficient & Side yard insufficient)

    Purpose: Add new second story and new attic to existing 1.5 story house on existing house footprint; reconfigure interior per plans; no change to existing footprint or setbacks, no change in existing single family occupancy.

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