City Council meeting
The City Council is holding a meeting on November 18 at 12 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public. You can also watch meetings on Comcast channel 8, RCN channel 82, Verizon channel 1964, and online at
PLEASE NOTEThe schedule for meetings is subject to change at the call of the City Council president.
Discussion Topics
Message and order for your approval an Ordinance establishing the Office of Police Accountability and Transparency, amending the City of Boston Code, Chapter 11, with the insertion of a new Section 2-16.Filed in the City Clerk's Office on November 16, 2020.
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-One Dollars and Eighty-Five Cents ($457, 671.85) in the form of a grant for the FY21 State 911 Training Grant, awarded by the MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund the training and certification of Enhanced 911 telecommunications.1096
Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Sherry Dong as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term expiring July 1, 2021.1097
Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Bethany Patten as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term expiring July 1, 2021.1098
Notice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of October 21, 2020.1099
Notice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of October 28, 2020.0981
The Committee on Government Operations, to which was referred on September 16, 2020 Docket #0981, petition for a special law re: The Boston Retirement System and the Alternative Superannuation Retirement Benefit Program, submits a report recommending the home rule petition ought to pass.0839
Order for a hearing regarding Boston Police overtime.1039
Order for a hearing to discuss the City of Boston and Boston Police Department's oversight protocols for BPD overtime and to discuss ensuring effective oversight measures.0998
Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Nine Million Seven Hundred Eighty-One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Three Dollars ($9,781,393.00) in the form of a grant from the CDBG FY20-Cares Supplemental, awarded by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Department of Neighborhood Development. The grant would fund programs to help alleviate housing and economic crisis conditions caused by COVID-19.0587
Order for a hearing regarding the creation of temporary rental assistance to support residents impacted by COVID-19.0218
Order for a hearing to discuss ways to support tenants facing eviction and displacement.1085
Message and order approving an appropriation of One Hundred Eighty Two Million Eight Hundred Forty One Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Seven Dollars ($182,841,467.00) for the purpose of paying costs of designing, constructing, equipping, and furnishing a new six story Josiah Quincy Upper School building at 900 Washington Street in the City of Boston, including the payment of cost incidental or related thereto.1086
Message and order approving an appropriation of Eight Million Five Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($8,550,000.00) for the purpose of paying cost of designing, constructing, equipping, and furnishing a new six story Josiah Quincy Upper School building at 900 Washington Street in the City of Boston including the payment of costs incidental or related thereto.0931
Order for a hearing reviewing the City's Melnea Cass/Mass Ave 2.0 plan in light of Covid-19.1100
Councilors Wu and Breadon offered the following: Ordinance amending Chapter VI, by adding a new section to Ensure Gender Inclusivity on City Forms.1101
Councilor Bok offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding a city-level Conservation Corps for Boston.1102
Councilor Bok offered the following: Order relative to the adoption of Classification in the City of Boston in FY 2021.1103
Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution in support of inclusion and preservation of 108 Walter Street in the Roslindale Wetlands Urban Wild.1104
Councilors Janey and Mejia offered the following: Resolution highlighting the Boston Black Hospitality Coalition's work to help impacted black business throughout the Covid-19 pandemic1105
Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Resolution recognizing November as National Homeless Youth Awareness Month.1106
Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Resolution recognizing November 9-13, 2020 as National School Psychologist Week.1107
Councilor Janey offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Suborno Dev Chatterjee in City Council.Legislative Calendar for November 18, 2020.
Councilor Campbell offered the following: Resolution recognizing 25th Annual Boston Turkish Arts and Culture Festival.1109
Councilor Campbell offered the following: Resolution recognizing Mary Joseph on her 100th Birthday.1110
Councilors Campbell and Flaherty offered the following: Resolution recognizing Christian Massey.1111
Councilor Campbell offered the following: Resolution recognizing Marilyn Simmons.