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City Council honors EPIC 2019 service warriors

EPIC (Empowering People for Inclusive Communities) is a community service and education program for youth with disabilities between the ages of 16-23.

EPIC (Empowering People for Inclusive Communities) is a community service and education program for youth with disabilities between the ages of 16-23 that works to prepare young people with disabilities to be actively engaged community leaders through education, leadership development and community service.

During this week’s Council meeting, Councilors Wu and Flynn honored and recognized EPIC “Service Warriors” 2019 class for being ambassadors to their communities and their advocacy to change policies for more access, housing and education.

“We really admire your courage and perseverance in making sure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity. I’m honored to be with you today,” said Councilor Flynn to this years’ Service Warriors class.

EPIC Service Warriors meet for one year to participate in community service projects in the Greater Boston Area. By creating the change they want to see in the world, the Service Warriors learn more about local communities and develop practical skills that will help them develop as leaders and pursue future goals.

To be a Service Warrior, you must be between the ages of 16-23, have a disability, and be ready to create change in your community and life! For more information, visit the EPIC website.

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