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Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Happy Birthday, Faneuil Hall!

On August 26, 1826, Faneuil Hall Market, now commonly known as Quincy Market, held its grand opening.

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The site for Faneuil Hall Market had long been a gathering place for Boston’s merchants and peddlers. In 1824, Mayor Josiah Quincy led a massive project to “extend” the market and build formal market buildings to house stores and stalls for Boston’s merchants.

Finished in 1826, the new market was cleaner and more efficient than previous markets. Mayor Quincy’s efforts were so appreciated that Bostonians began to call the market Quincy Market, even though Mayor Quincy had resisted having the market named after himself.

Image for page from city council joint committee on the extension of faneuil hall market records, collection 0140 010

Image for page from city council joint committee on the extension of faneuil hall market records, collection 0140 010

Take a look at these images of minutes from the City Council Joint Committee on the Extension of Faneuil Hall Market. If you're interested in learning more about the extension of Faneuil Hall Market Place, you can view our Guide to the City Council Committee on the Extension of Faneuil Hall Market records.

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