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Public Facilities Commission Meeting (DND)

The presenter is the Department of Neighborhood Development.

You can also watch the meeting on Boston City TV and Comcast channel 24, RCN channel 13, and on

Discussion Topics

  1. VOTE 1: Jonathan Spillane, Housing Development Officer, Neighborhood Housing Development Division
    Conveyance to Terrace Bravo, LLC: Vacant land located at 40-42 Terrace Street and 132 Terrace Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $200
    Ward: 10
    Parcel Numbers:  00387000 and 00367000
    Square Feet:  4,090 (total)
    Future Use:  New Construction - Housing
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $4,960,292
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $92,500 (total)
    Appraised Value February 6, 2017:  $81,820 (total)
    DND Program:  Neighborhood Housing
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: March 13, 2017 and March 20, 2017 (Boston Herald) and March 15, 2017 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  March 13, 2017
    That having duly advertised its intent to sell to Terrace Bravo, LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company, with an address of 1683 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, the vacant land located at:
    40-42 Terrace Street, Ward: 10, Parcel: 00387000, Square Feet: 2,286
    132 Terrace Street, Ward: 10, Parcel: 00367000, Square Feet: 1,804
    in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 4,090 total square feet of land, for two consecutive weeks (February 12, 2018 and February 19, 2018) in accordance with the provisions of St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12), the Public Facilities Commission, pursuant to its vote of December 13, 2017, and, thereafter, as amended on November 14, 2018 and subsequent approval by the Mayor, does hereby vote to sell the aforementioned properties to Terrace Bravo, LLC; and
    FURTHER VOTED: the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to deliver an instrument conveying said properties to Terrace Bravo, LLC, in consideration of Two Hundred Dollars ($200).
  2. VOTE 2: Shani Fletcher, Development Officer, Real Estate Management & Sales Division
    Conveyance to DNI 4, Inc.: Vacant land located at 25 and 27 Folsom Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $200
    Ward: 13
    Parcel Numbers:  00148000 and 00149000
    Square Feet:  4,978 (total)
    Future Use:  Garden
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $15,283
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $42,000 (total)
    Appraised Value March 26, 2018:  $75,000 (total)
    DND Program:  GrassRoots
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: April 16, 2018 and April 23, 2018 (Boston Herald) and April 18, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  April 17, 2018
    That having duly advertised its intent to sell to DNI 4, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 504 Dudley Street, Roxbury, MA 02119, the vacant land located at:
    25 Folsom Street, Ward: 13, Parcel: 00148000, Square Feet: 2,540
    27 Folsom Street, Ward: 13, Parcel: 00149000, Square Feet: 2,438
    in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 4,978 total square feet of land, for two consecutive weeks (March 11, 2019 and March 18, 2019) in accordance with the provisions of St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12), the Public Facilities Commission, pursuant to its vote of February 13, 2019 and subsequent approval by the Mayor, does hereby vote to sell the aforementioned properties to DNI 4, Inc.; and
    FURTHER VOTED: the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to deliver an instrument conveying said properties to DNI 4, Inc., in consideration of Two Hundred Dollars ($200).
  3. VOTE 3: Shani Fletcher, Development Officer, Real Estate Management & Sales Division
    Conveyance to DNI 4, Inc.: Vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on Langdon Street, 35 Langdon Street, 37-43 Langdon Street, 123-125 George Street, and 127-133R George Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $500
    Ward: 08
    Parcel Numbers:  00599000, 00600000, 00601000, 00579000, and 00579001
    Square Feet:  27,000 (total)
    Future Use:  Garden
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $24,309
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $364,700 (total)
    Appraised Value March 26, 2018:  $405,000 (total)
    DND Program:  GrassRoots
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: April 16, 2018 and April 23, 2018 (Boston Herald) and April 18, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  April 17, 2018
    That having duly advertised its intent to sell to DNI 4, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 504 Dudley Street, Roxbury, MA 02119, the vacant land located at:
    Unnumbered parcel on Langdon Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00599000, Square Feet: 9,000
    35 Langdon Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00600000, Square Feet: 3,000
    37-43 Langdon Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00601000, Square Feet: 6,000
    123-125 George Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00579000, Square Feet: 2,745
    127-133R George Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00579001, Square Feet: 6,255
    in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 27,000 total square feet of land, for two consecutive weeks (March 11, 2019 and March 18, 2019) in accordance with the provisions of St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12), the Public Facilities Commission, pursuant to its vote of February 13, 2019 and subsequent approval by the Mayor, does hereby vote to sell the aforementioned properties to DNI 4, Inc.; and
    FURTHER VOTED: the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to deliver an instrument conveying said properties to DNI 4, Inc., in consideration of Five Hundred Dollars ($500).
  4. VOTE 4: Neriliz Llenas, Project Manager, Real Estate Management & Sales Division
    Conveyance to Robert M. Lunn: Vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on Washburn Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $7,100
    Ward: 07
    Parcel Number: 03267005
    Square Feet:  711
    Future Use:  Landscaped Space
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $22,500
    Appraised Value September 7, 2018:  $7,100
    DND Program:  REMS – Land Disposition
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: November 19, 2018 and November 26, 2018 (Boston Herald) and November 21, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  November 19, 2018
    That having duly advertised its intent to sell to Robert M. Lunn, an individual, with an address of 13 Howell Street, No. 1, Dorchester, MA 02125, the vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on Washburn Street (Ward: 07, Parcel: 03267005), in the Dorchester District of the City of Boston containing approximately 711 square feet of land, for two consecutive weeks (April 1, 2019 and April 8, 2019) in accordance with the provisions of St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12), the Public Facilities Commission, pursuant to its vote of March 13, 2019 and subsequent approval by the Mayor, does hereby vote to sell the aforementioned property to Robert M. Lunn; and
    FURTHER VOTED: the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to deliver an instrument conveying said property to Robert M. Lunn, in consideration of Seven Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($7,100).
  5. VOTE 5: David Cotter, Housing Development Officer, Neighborhood Housing Development Division
    Amendment to the vote of November 15, 2017 to extend the Tentative Designation and Intent to Sell period from 54 to 57 months to Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation: Vacant land located at 10 and 22 Bowdoin Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts.
    Time Extension and Address Correction
    1) TD – 10/01/2014 through 10/01/2015 = 12 months
    2) TD extension for an additional 12 months 10/01/2015 through 10/01/2016 = 24 months
    3) TD extension for an additional 12 months 10/01/2016 through 10/01/2017 = 36 months
    4) TD extension for an additional 18 months 10/01/2017 through 04/01/2019 = 54 months
    5) TD extension for an additional  3 months 04/01/2019 through 07/01/2019 = 57 months
        TD Total Time is 57 months
    Ward:  14
    Parcel Numbers: 01419000 and 01418000
    Square Feet:  25,642 (total)
    Future Use:  Mixed use
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $15,320,035
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $365,400 (total)
    Appraised Value March 20, 2014:  $770,000 (total)
    DND Program:  Neighborhood Housing
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: April 21, 2014 and April 28, 2014 (Boston Herald)
    and April 30, 2014 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  April 22, 2014
    That the vote of this Commission at its meeting on October 1, 2014 and, thereafter, as amended on October 21, 2015, September 14, 2016 and November 15, 2017 regarding the tentative designation and intent to sell the vacant land located at:
    10 Bowdoin Street, Ward: 14, Parcel: 01419000, Square feet: 6,871
    22 Bowdoin Street, Ward: 14, Parcel: 01418000, Square feet: 18,771
    in the Dorchester District of the City of Boston containing approximately 25,642 total square feet of land to Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation, a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 587 Washington Street, Dorchester, MA 02124;
    be, and hereby is amended as follows:
    By deleting the figure and word: “54 months” and substituting in place thereof the following figure and word: “57 months” wherever such may appear; and
    Also, by deleting the figure and words: “10 Bowdoin Street” and substituting in place thereof the following figures and words: “10-20 Bowdoin Street” wherever such may appear.
  6. VOTE 6: Christopher Rooney, Development Officer, Real Estate Management & Sales Division
    Conveyance to Cruz Development Corporation: Land with buildings located at 280, 282, 284, 290 Warren Street and an unnumbered parcel on Warren Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $500
    Ward: 12
    Parcel Numbers: 00491003, 00491002, 00491001, 00491000 and 00492000
    Square Feet:  6,051 (total)
    Future Use:  Mixed Use
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $529,900
    Appraised Value August 22, 2016:  $127,000
    DND Program:  REMS – Building Sales
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: August 25, 2014 and September 1, 2014 (Boston Herald)
    and August 27, 2014 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  August 25, 2014
    That having duly advertised its intent to sell to Cruz Development Corporation, a Massachusetts corporation, with an address of 1 John Eliot Square, Roxbury, MA 02119, the land with buildings located at:
    280 Warren Street, Ward:  12,  Parcel:  00491003,  Square Feet:  921
    282 Warren Street, Ward:  12,  Parcel:  00491002,  Square Feet:  931
    284 Warren Street, Ward:  12,  Parcel:  00491001,  Square Feet:  931
    290 Warren Street, Ward:  12,  Parcel:  00491000,  Square Feet:  2,871
    Unnumbered Parcel on Warren Street, Ward:  12,  Parcel:  00492000,  Square Feet:  397
    in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 6,051 total square feet, for two consecutive weeks (August 31, 2015 and September 7, 2015) in accordance with the provisions of St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12), the Public Facilities Commission, pursuant to its vote of August 5, 2015, and, thereafter, as amended on November 16, 2016, November 15, 2017, and July 18, 2018, and subsequent approval by the Mayor, does hereby vote to sell the aforementioned properties to Cruz Development Corporation; and
    FURTHER VOTED: the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to deliver an instrument conveying said properties to Cruz Development Corporation, in consideration of Five Hundred Dollars ($500).
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