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Public Facilities Commission (DND)

The presenter is the Department of Neighborhood Development.

You can also watch the meeting on Boston City TV and Comcast channel 24, RCN channel 13, and on

Discussion Topics

  1. VOTE 1: Shani Fletcher, Development Officer, Real Estate Management and Sales Division
    Conveyance to Boston Food Forest Coalition, Inc.: Vacant land located at 101 and 103 Ellington Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $200
    Ward:  14
    Parcel Numbers: 01796000 and 01797000
    Square Feet:  6,372 (total)
    Future Use: Garden
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $146,500
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $56,700 (total)
    Appraised Value March 21, 2018:  $180,000 (total)
    DND Program:  GrassRoots
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: January 15, 2018, January 22, 2018 (Boston Herald)
    and January 17, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  January 16, 2018
    That having duly advertised its intent to sell to Boston Food Forest Coalition, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 23 Egleston Street, Jamaica Plain,  02130, the vacant land located at:
    101 Ellington Street, Ward: 14, Parcel: 01796000, Square Feet: 3,167
    103 Ellington Street, Ward: 14, Parcel: 01797000, Square Feet: 3,205
    in the Dorchester District of the City of Boston containing approximately 6,372 total square feet of land, for two consecutive weeks (May 14, 2018 and May 21, 2018) in accordance with the provisions of St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12), the Public Facilities Commission, pursuant to its vote of April 11, 2018 and subsequent approval by the Mayor, does hereby vote to sell the aforementioned properties to Boston Food Forest Coalition, Inc. and
    FURTHER VOTED: the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to deliver an instrument conveying said properties to Boston Food Forest Coalition, Inc., in consideration of Two Hundred Dollars ($200).
  2. VOTE 2: Shani Fletcher, Development Officer, Real Estate Management and Sales Division
    Conveyance to Eastie Farm, Inc.: Vacant land located at 294-296 Sumner Street, East Boston, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $100
    Ward:  01
    Parcel Number: 04912000 
    Square Feet:  3,100
    Future Use: Garden
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $137,301
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $159,000
    Appraised Value March 21, 2018:  $46,500
    DND Program:  GrassRoots
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: January 15, 2018, January 22, 2018 (Boston Herald)
    and January 17, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  January 16, 2018
    That having duly advertised its intent to sell to Eastie Farm, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 213 Webster Street, No. 2, East Boston, MA, 02128, the vacant land located at 294-296 Sumner Street, (Ward: 01, Parcel: 04912000) in the East Boston District of the City of Boston containing approximately 3,100 square feet of land, for two consecutive weeks (May 14, 2018 and May 21, 2018) in accordance with the provisions of St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12), the Public Facilities Commission, pursuant to its vote of April 11, 2018 and subsequent approval by the Mayor, does hereby vote to sell the aforementioned property to Eastie Farm, Inc. and
    FURTHER VOTED: the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to deliver an instrument conveying said property to Eastie Farm, Inc., in consideration of One Hundred Dollars ($100).
  3. VOTE 3: Shani Fletcher, Development Officer, Real Estate Management and Sales Division
    Tentative Developer Designation and Intent to Sell to DNI 4, Inc.: Vacant land located at an unnumbered parcel on Langdon Street, 35 Langdon Street, 37-43 Langdon Street, 123-125 George Street, and 127-133R George Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $500
    Ward:  08
    Parcel Numbers: 00599000, 00600000, 00601000, 00579000, and 00579001
    Square Feet:  27,000 (total)
    Future Use:  Garden
    Estimated Total Development Cost:  $24,309
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $364,700 (total)
    Appraised Value March 26, 2018:  $405,000 (total)
    DND Program:  GrassRoots
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: April 16, 2018, April 23, 2018 (Boston Herald)
    and April 18, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  April 17, 2018
    That, having duly advertised a Request for Proposals to develop said property, DNI 4, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 504 Dudley Street, Boston, MA be tentatively designated as developer of the vacant land located at:
    Unnumbered parcel on Langdon Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00599000, Square Feet: 9,000
    35 Langdon Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00600000, Square Feet: 3,000
    37-43 Langdon Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00601000, Square Feet: 6,000
    123-125 George Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00579000, Square Feet: 2,745
    127-133R George Street, Ward: 08, Parcel: 00579001, Square Feet: 6,255
    in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 27,000 total square feet of land for the period of 12 months from the date of the vote subject to such terms, conditions and restrictions as the Director deems appropriate for proper development of these parcels; and
    FURTHER VOTED: Subject to the approval of the Mayor under St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12) that it is the intent of this Commission to sell the aforementioned properties to DNI 4, Inc.;
    AND, FURTHER, VOTED: That the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to advertise the intent of this Commission to sell the above described properties in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966 and the applicable statutory terms of M.G.L. c.30B, section 16.
  4. VOTE 4: Shani Fletcher, Development Officer, Real Estate Management and Sales Division
    Tentative Developer Designation and Intent to Sell to DNI 4, Inc.: Vacant land located at 25 Folsom Street and 27 Folsom Street, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
    Purchase Price: $200
    Ward:  13
    Parcel Numbers: 00148000 and 00149000
    Square Feet:  4,978 (total)
    Future Use:  Garden
    Estimated Total Development Cost: $15,283
    Assessed Value Fiscal Year 2019:  $42,000 (total)
    Appraised Value March 26, 2018:  $75,000 (total)
    DND Program:  GrassRoots
    RFP Advertisement Publication Dates: April 16, 2018, April 23, 2018 (Boston Herald)
    and April 18, 2018 (Central Register)
    RFP Issuance Date:  April 17, 2018
    That, having duly advertised a Request for Proposals to develop said property, DNI 4, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, with an address of 504 Dudley Street, Boston, MA be tentatively designated as developer of the vacant land located at:
    25 Folsom Street, Ward: 13, Parcel: 00148000, Square Feet: 2,540
    27 Folsom Street, Ward: 13, Parcel: 00149000, Square Feet: 2,438
    in the Roxbury District of the City of Boston containing approximately 4,978 total square feet of land for the period of 12 months from the date of the vote subject to such terms, conditions and restrictions as the Director deems appropriate for proper development of these parcels; and
    FURTHER VOTED: Subject to the approval of the Mayor under St. 1909, c.486, § 31B (as appearing in St. 1966, c.642, § 12) that it is the intent of this Commission to sell the aforementioned properties to DNI 4, Inc.;
    AND, FURTHER, VOTED: That the Director be, and hereby is, authorized to advertise the intent of this Commission to sell the above described properties in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966 and the applicable statutory terms of M.G.L. c.30B, section 16.
  5. VOTE 5: Sheila Dillon, Chief and Director, Department of Neighborhood Development
    By this writing, signed by a majority of its members and filed with the Secretary, the City of Boston Public Facilities Commission, upon written recommendation of the Director of the Department of Neighborhood Development, does hereby vote:
    VOTED:  “Subject to the approval of the Mayor, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 3(ii)(v) of Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966, the Public Facilities Commission does hereby authorize and direct the following named individuals, in the name and on behalf of the Commission, to execute and deliver such documents, instruments and certificates as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by such named individuals relating to the Public Facilities Commission’s approved acquisition or conveyance of real property or to the discharge, satisfaction, subordination or termination of instruments of record which have been recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds or filed for registration with the Suffolk Registry District of the Land Court. Deeds or Orders of Taking to be recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds or to be filed for registration with the Suffolk Registry District of the Land Court shall be accompanied by a separate vote of this Commission specifically authorizing such conveyance or acquisition.  Said named individuals are further authorized and directed to execute and deliver Loan Agreements and Grant Agreements involving the City of Boston, Department of Neighborhood Development, in the name and on behalf of the Commission as they may deem necessary or appropriate.”
    Sheila A. Dillon, Chief and Director
    Department of Neighborhood Development
    Marcy J. Ostberg, Director of Operations
    Department of Neighborhood Development
    Rick M. Wilson, Director of Administration and Finance
    Department of Neighborhood Development
    Robert C. Gehret, Jr., Deputy Director
    Department of Neighborhood Development
    John N. Carbone, Controller
    Department of Neighborhood Development
    FURTHER VOTED:  That this authorization is effective immediately and shall remain in effect until such time as it is expressly rescinded, in whole or in part, by a vote of this Commission.
    FURTHER VOTED:  The taking of the foregoing vote and the naming of the above individuals, when approved by the Mayor of Boston, shall serve to expressly rescind that certain Certificate of Authority dated August 18, 2016 recorded on October 7, 2016, with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 56919 at Page 194, and filed with the Suffolk Registry District of the Land Court as Document Number 862041.
    Katherine P. Craven, Chair
    Larry D. Mammoli, Commissioner
    Dion S. Irish, Commissioner
    A true record, ATTEST:
    Colleen Daley, Secretary
    City of Boston Public Facilities Commission
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The City of Boston has caused its name to be subscribed hereto by Martin J. Walsh, its Mayor on this _____ day of February 2019.
    Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston
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