Zoning Board Of Appeal Hearing
The March 25, 2025, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the Zoom Webinar event platform.
Please be advised of the following appeals to be heard on March 25, 2025, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and related announcements. All matters listed on this March 25, 2025, hearing agenda have been noticed in accordance with the enabling act.
Please be advised of the following participation instructions: The March 25, 2025, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the zoom webinar event platform.
Interested persons can participate in the hearing REMOTELY by going to our online meeting link. You may also participate by phone by calling into the Zoom Webinar at 301-715-8592 and entering the Webinar ID: 857 3265 6216 followed by # when prompted.
If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please sign up online. Please provide your name, address, the address and/or BOA number of the appeal on which you wish to speak, and if you wish to speak in support of or opposition to the project.
For individuals who need translation assistance, please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by signing up online, calling 617-635-4775, or emailing zba.ambassador@boston.gov.
The ZBA Ambassador will be available within the Zoom Webinar Event from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. to answer questions about ZBA procedures and offer instructions on how to participate in the hearing via Zoom. Questions and/or concerns can also be emailed to the ZBA Ambassador at zba.ambassador@boston.gov.
If you wish to offer comment within the meeting platform, please use the “Raise Hand” function that should appear on the bottom of your screen, if connected by computer or device, or dial *9, if connected by phone. On a computer or device, you will receive a request to unmute yourself from the event host. You must select yes before you can speak. On a phone, you will hear a prompt that the event host is asking you to unmute yourself. You must press *6 to unmute yourself before you can speak. Commenters will be asked to state their name, address and comment. Comments will be limited as time requires.
If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please log in to the hearing no later than 8:30 a.m. to ensure your connection is properly functioning. The hearing can also be viewed via livestream on the City’s website. Closed captioning is available.
Interested persons who are unable to participate in the hearing remotely may make an appointment to offer testimony. Please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by calling 617-635-4775 or emailing isdboardofappeal@boston.gov for accommodations to be made.
Members of the community are strongly encouraged to help facilitate the virtual hearing process by emailing letters in support of or opposition to an appeal to zbapublicinput@boston.gov in lieu of offering testimony online. It is strongly encouraged that written comments be submitted to the board at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. When doing so, please include in the subject line the BOA number, the address of the proposed project, and the date of the hearing.
Discussion Topics
January 14, 2025, January 23, 2025, January 28, 2025, February 4, 2025, February 13, 2025 & February 25, 2025
Case: BOA-911272 Address: 9 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Applicant: Richard Lynds, ESQ
Case: BOA-450351 Address: 1181-1183 Bennington Street Ward 1 Applicant: Richard Lynds, ESQ
Case: BOA-1182380 Address: 5 Glenburne Street Ward 12 Applicant: Derric Small, ESQ
Case: BOA-1433590 Address: 55-57 Hudson Street Ward 3 Applicant: Peter Kochansky, ESQ
Case: BOA- 1414968 Address: 16 Nightingale Ward 14 Applicant: Eric Zachrison, MBA, AIA
Case: BOA- 527141 Address: 100 Stuart Street Ward 5 Applicant: Christian Regnier, ESQ
Case: BOA- 1024095 Address: 11 Faneuil Street Ward 22 Applicant: Jeffrey Drago, ESQ
Case: BOA- 1288967 Address: 5252-5270 Washington Street Ward 20 Applicant: Jeff Similien
Case: BOA- 904516 Address: 1937 Beacon Street Ward 21 Applicant: Jeff Drago, ESQ
Case: BOA- 1414980 Address: 120 Bowdoin Street Ward 14 Applicant: Michael Ross, ESQ -
Case: BOA- 1572885 Address: 3 Bruce Street Ward 16 Applicant: Michael P. Ross, ESQ
Case: BOA-914351 Address: 27 Delmont Street Ward 16 Applicant: Gavin Walsh
Case: BOA- 1309386 Address: 75 Maywood Street Ward 12 Applicant: John Byrnes, ESQ -
Case: BOA-1684879 Address: 22B-22 Beacon Street Ward: 3 Applicant: Daniel Brennan
Article(s): Article 45 Section 14 Use Regulations - Take out restaurant use is conditional
Purpose: Coffee shop conversion "Beacon Hill Coffee" replacing coffee shop "former Dunkins". the use is conditional and the previous tenant has a proviso in the BOA decision. Requesting denial with nominal fee to go to board of appeal
Case: BOA-1661508 Address: 8 Friendship Road Ward: 18 Applicant: Anthony Watford
Article(s): Art. 69 Sec. 09 Dimensional Reg. - Number of allowed stories has been exceeded Art. 69 Sec. 09 Dimensional Reg. - Excessive f.a.r. Art. 69 Sec. 09 Dimensional Reg. - Additional extensions into the Nonconforming rear yard setback previously of what was originally presented at the ZBA hearing
Purpose: Changing occupancy from 1 family to two family. We are extending the rear of the property by 14 feet on the first and second floor. Extension of living space from Unit 2 into the attic. Adding rear decks for Unit 1 & 2.
Case: BOA-1675560 Address: 11 Clive Street Ward: 19 Applicant: Femma Rosenbaum
Article(s): Article 55, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient
Purpose: Build a third floor addition (Dormer) as per plans. Build a new bathroom and a counter with sink. Existing roof is fully insulated, and insulation should remain in place, new HVAC, new hardwood floor, blue board plaster and paint. This project will need zoning relief (zba approval). Confirm as single family
Case: BOA- 1678617 Address: 62 Patten Street Ward: 19 Applicant: Jean Oliveira
Article(s): Article 55, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive - Proposed Floor area ratio is excessive.
Purpose: Install a French drain with sum pump, add a half bathroom, move washer and dryer location, built of couple of walls, sheetrock and plastering.
Case: BOA- 1682689 Address: 26 Whittemore Street Ward: 20 Applicant: George Morancy, ESQ
Article(s): Article 56, Section 8 Front Yard Insufficient Article 56, Section 8 Floor Area Ratio Excessive
Purpose: Amendment to ALT1566831, an issued permit for zoning compliant renovations. This amendment is for additional work consisting of a small extension of living space in the basement , as well as a new front porch . Variances are required for excessive FAR and insufficient front yard setback
Case: BOA-1685231 Address: 368-372 West Broadway Ward: 6 Applicant: Jamie Moss
Article(s): Art. 09 Sec. 02 Nonconforming Use Change - Change in nonconforming use Art. 68 Sec. 07 Use Regs.Conversion of nonconfoming use into a Community center on 4th floor Conditional Article 68, Section 33 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - Insufficient parking for 4th story uses
Purpose: Change Occupancy to include Community Center. -
Case: BOA-1677320 Address: 329-343 Washington Street Ward 22 Applicant: Warren Hall Acquisition LLC-MOH
Article(s): Article 51 Section 16 Use RegulationsUse conditional Article 51 Section 17Dimensional Regulations Insufficient open space
Purpose: Change of Use on First Floor from existing Commercial to 2 new Residential accessible Apartments. 2 Commercial spaces to remain. Rest of project will be a Moderate Renovation of the existing apartments including MEP FP system upgrades. Estimated cost of construction is $7,900,000.00.*10/23/24 application assigned to FD by Dept Head Paul Williams 11/19/24 Existing legal use provided By Admin counter: STORES, OFFICES, BEAUTY SALON, 33 APTS & WIRELESS COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT #1348/2010
Case: BOA-1689438 Address: 960A Centre Street Ward 19 Applicant: Johnathan Starch
Article(s): Article 55, Section 12 # of Units/Acre Ex Article 55, Section 12 Lot Size Insufficient
Article 55, Section 12 Side Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 41.12Two or More Dwellings on Same Lot
Article 9, Section 2 Change in Non Conforming Use
Purpose: Erect a single story detached garage, unconditioned for two vehicles. Scope involves new paving and landscaping with removal of tree. [ePlan]
Case: BOA- 1682719 Address: 42 Doncaster Street Ward 18 Applicant: Gary Webster
Article(s): Article 67, Section 9 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 67, Section 9Bldg Height Excessive (Feet)
Article 67, Section 9 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Lot Width Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 67, Section 9 Lot Area Insufficient
Purpose: Proposed new construction single family home.
Case: BOA-1650722 Address: 19 Sanford Street Ward 17 Applicant: James Christopher
Article(s): Art. 65 Sec. 43Ext. of non conforming useFront Yard is required to have 15'(feet). Existing &
proposed will be 8.7' (feet). Rear Yard is required to have 40' (feet). Existing & proposed will be 6.8' (feet).
Side yard is required to have 10' (feet). Left Existing & proposed will be 2.5'. Right Existing & proposed will be
4.2' 4.2'(feet).Building Height is required to be 35' (feet). Existing & proposed will be 40' 3"Stories required to be 2 1/2. Existing & proposed will be 3 Stories. Art. 65 Sec. 08ForbiddenThe Applicant will need to seek relief for the use as a
multifamily. This is a 1F 6000 Zone, since 1946 it has been used as a three family. Applicant proposes a FIVE family which is a forbidden use. Art. 65 Sec. 65 8 Floor Area Ratio excessiveThe applicant will need to seek relief for FAR. Zoning requires .5; currently as a three family FAR is .76. The proposed project will have a FAR of 1.27.
Art. 55 Sec. 65 41Off Street parking insufficientThe applicant will need to seek relief for insufficient parking spaces. Zoning requires at least six off street parking spaces, the applicant proposes five.
Purpose: The owner seeks to construct an attached 3 story side addition to the existing 3 unit residential building. The new addition will consist of 5 off street parking spaces at grade with two new units above. The new proposed occupancy will be 5 residential units.
Case: BOA- 1675756 Address: 241 Columbia Road Ward 14 Applicant: Vince Brown
Article(s): Article 50, Section 29 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 50, Section 29 Front Yard Insufficient Article 50, Section 29 Side Yard Insufficient
Purpose: Enclose existing front porches, only the second and third floors.
Case: BOA- 1669678 Address: 879-881 Blue Hill Avenue Ward 14 Applicant: Wandaly Ortiz Guerrero
Article(s): Article 60, Section 11 Use: ForbiddenUse Forbidden Art. 09 Sec. 02Nonconforming Use Change
Purpose: change occupancy to include live entertainment in existing Restaurant #36A(Function Room/Hall) with an occupancy 351 occupants*9/17/24 filing assigned to fd By Dept Head Paul Williams on 10.3.24
Case: BOA- 1684195 Address: 137 Pleasant Street Ward 13 Applicant: Vazberg Properties
Article(s): Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 15 Use: Forbidden Art. 65 Sec. 42 Off Street Parking Insufficient
Purpose: To change occupancy from 3 family to MFR with 5 units via renovations to create 2 additional units on the basement level
Case: BOA- 1686754 Address: 5-7 Ackley Place Ward 11 Applicant: Janarthanan Someswarananthan
Article(s): Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient lot size Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient additional lot area per unit Art. 55 Sec. 09 Excessive f,.a.r. Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient open space/unit Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient front yard setback Article 55, Section 41.12 Two or More Dwellings on Same LotInsufficient parking Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient side yard setback
Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient lot width Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient lot width frontage
Purpose: To erect a new three story residential building with two units and two exterior parking spaces; see companion case 9 11 Ackley Pl ERT application (two buildings on one lot with a total of four units and four parking spaces); a prior iteration of this project was previously reviewed by James Kennedy*Filing assigned to Fd by Dept Head Paul Williams on 12.10.24
Case: BOA-1686755 Address: 9-11 Ackley Place Ward 11 Applicant: Janarthanan Someswarananthan
Article(s): Article 55, Section 41.12Two or More Dwellings on Same Lot Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient lot size
Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient additional lot area per unit Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insufficient side yard setback Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insuffcient front yard setback Art. 55 Sec. 09Excessive f.a.r. Art. 55 Sec. 09 Insuffcient open space per unit
Purpose: To erect a new three story residential building with two units and two exterior parking spaces; see companion case 5 7 Ackley Pl ERT1672941 (two buildings on one lot with a total of four units and four parking spaces); a prior iteration of this project was previously reviewed by James Kennedy *Filing assigned to Fd by Dept Head Paul Williams on 12.10.24
Case: BOA- 1674856 Address: 33 Worcester Street Ward 9 Applicant: David McGrath
Article(s): Article 64, Section 9.4 Town House/Row House ExtensionTown House/Row House Extensions into Rear Yard. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Article or Code, any Proposed Project that otherwise meets the
applicable use and dimensional requirements of this Article shall be conditional if such Proposed Project involves the extension of a Town House or Row House into a rear yard, where such extension: (a) increases the gross floor area of such Town House or Row House by fifty (50) or more square feet; or (b) involves the addition of a porch or balcony, other than a roof deck, above the first story.
Purpose: Install two rear facing decks
Case: BOA-1652789 Address: 65 East Cottage Street Ward 7 Applicant: Indigo Block Apartments LLC
Article(s): Article 65, Sec. 40 Sign RegulationsFree standing signs are not allowed in LI districts.
Purpose: 66"Hx32.5"Wx14"D 2 Sided Fabricated Aluminum Sign, Internal Illumination, Retainer to house changeable translucent inserts for commercial tenants Plate mount on footing
Case: BOA-1688989 Address: 246-248 Dorchester Avenue Ward 6 Applicant: Dot Ave Property LLC-ARTICLE 80
Article(s): Article 16, Section 1 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Max. allowed: 2.5 Proposed: 10 Article 16 Section 1Building Height Excessive Max. height allowed: 35' Proposed: 109', Art. 20 Sec. 01 Rear Yard Insufficient
Art. 15 Sec. 01 Floor Area Ratio excessive Max. allowed: 1 Proposed: 5.32 Article 8, Section 3Forbidden Use Hotel/ Apartment hotel Use item 15
Purpose: Seeking approval to construct a new ten (10) story, 109-foot extended stay/apartment hotel/ hotel building of approximately 87,000 square feet, with 169 rooms and 31 vehicular parking spaces, along with approximately 2,900 square feet of commercial/retail space. Demolition of the existing structure under SF# The existing lot (ID 0600204000 with 22,042 sqft) is being subdivided in two lots: the lot for the hotel will result in 16,364 sqft and the other lot will be 5,678 sqft eplan BOA Project subject to LPR Applicaiton assigned by supervisor, Paul Williams, 17 days late.
Case: BOA-1641125 Address: 116-128 Lincoln Street Ward 3 Applicant: David McGrath
Article(s): Article 44, Section 5 Maximum Building Height / FAR Article 44, Section 6Roof Additions in Leather Dist
Purpose: replace existing roof deck [ePlans]
Case: BOA- 1688572 Address: 166-168 Salem Street Ward 3 Applicant: Daniel Santaniello
Article(s): Article 54, Section 18 Roof Structure Restrictions Access to roof deck is through headhouse.
Article 54, Section 10 Building height excessive.
Purpose: To erect a 550 SF roof deck on an existing structure
Case: BOA-1677881 Address: 155R Princeton Street Ward 1 Applicant: Dean LaPrade
Article(s): Article 53, Section 5.3 Building Height (Stories) Excessive Article 53, Section 5.3 Front Yard Maximum Exceeded Article 53, Section 5.3 Side Yard Article 53, Section 5.3 Rear Yard Art. 53 Sec.25Roof Structure Restrictions
Article 53, Section 29.12 Two or More Dwellings on Same Lot Dwelling behind another dwelling
Purpose: Confirm occupancy as 3 family. Existing condition for many years. Renovate the interior and exterior of the existing three family dwelling, including Sprinkler and MEP. Two dwellings on same lot in connection with ALT1404277.
Case: BOA#1622100 Address: 155R Princeton Street Ward 1 Applicant: Dean LaPrade
Purpose: Change occupancy to include 3 Residential Units. Scope includes addition of 3-stories to existing 1-story structure to create (3) condos directly on top of existing garage within newly created 3,500sqft lot. Also see ALT1349647 & ALT1483360 for subdivision. [ePlan] Violation: Violation Description: 9th 780 CMR 1007 Exit and Exit Access Doorway Configuration Violation Comments:1007.1.1 Two exits or exit access doorways. Where two exits, exit access doorways, exit access stairways or ramps, or any combination thereof, are required from any portion of the exit access, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one-half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served measured in a straight line between them. Interlocking or scissor stairways shall be counted as one exit stairway. 2.Where a building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, the separation distance shall be not less than one-third of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the area served. [The two exits provided are less than one-third of the maximum overall diagonal dimension. Relocation required to achieve the minimum separation.]
Case: BOA-1677882 Address: 157 Princeton Street Ward 1 Applicant: Dean LaParde
Article(s): Article 53, Section 5.3 Building Lot Coverage Excessive Article 53, Section 5.3 Permeable Area of Lot Insufficient Article 53, Section 5.3 Side Yard Article 53, Section 5.3 Rear Yard
Purpose: Subdivision of Parcel 0106656000 to create two separate lots. Lot 1 to be 3,500sqft used for conversion under. ALT1404277. Lot 2 to be 1,500sqft for existing 3 Family to remain. [ePlan]
Case: BOA#1677886 Address: 157 Princeton Street Ward 1Applicant: Dean LaParde
Purpose: Subdivision of Parcel 0106656000 to create two separate lots. Lot 1 to be 3,500sqft used for conversion under ALT1404277. Lot 2 to be 1,500sqft for existing 3 Family to remain. [ePlan] Violation: Violation Description:
9th 780 CMR 1030 Emergency Escape and Rescue 9th 780 CMR 705 Exterior Walls Violation Comments: 1030.1 General. In addition to the means of egress required by this chapter, provisions shall be made for emergency escape and rescue openings in Group R-2 occupancies in accordance with Tables 1006.3.2(1) and 1006.3.2(2) and Group R-3 occupancies. Basements and sleeping rooms below the fourth story above grade plane shall have at least one exterior emergency escape and rescue opening in accordance with this section. Where basements contain one or more sleeping rooms, emergency escape and rescue openings shall be required in each sleeping room, but shall not be required in adjoining areas of the basement. Such openings shall open directly into a public way or to a yard or court that opens to a public way. [Not enough separation from interior lot line (36" required) to be considered a safe unobstructed path to
public way] 705.8.1 Allowable area of openings. The maximum area of unprotected and protected openings permitted in an exterior wall in any story of a building -
Case: BOA-1668942 Address: 206 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Applicant: Marc LaCasse
Article(s): ARTICLE 53; SECTION 53 5Dimensional Regulations (Table F)Insufficient Side Yard. Required 3'; proposed 0'.
Purpose: Subdivide 555 square feet of land from 206 Chelsea Street and combine portion subdivided with 204 Chelsea Street resulting in existing driveway being entirely on 204 Chelsea Street lot; no work to be done; subdivide and combine only.Case: BOA-1690482 Address: 90-92 Perthshire Road Ward 22 Applicant: Patrick McKenna
Article(s): Art. 51 Sec. 09 Dimensional Regulations Insufficient front yard setback Art. 51 Sec. 56^ Off street parking requirements Insufficient parking Article 51, Section 57.13 Two or More Dwellings on Same LotSee other ERT Zoning refusal decision for other respective variances required for 4 unit structure in rearApplicant to file for these Zoning variances simultaneoulsly in conjunction with other variances needed on companion ERT of records Zoning refusal
decision rendered. Other ERT Zoning decision is respectfully on hold awating intial fire review of the
MFR building behind this building on same lot.
Purpose: The shire development bldg 1 of 2. erect a new 2 story, 2 family dwelling (duplex). part of multiple dwellings on one lot development. at grade parking also included. raze existing structure on a separate permit. these two units to be 90 92 perthshire road. *Companion erection permit application for 4 unit detached dwelling in rear filed under ERT1651774 *10.15.24 application filed assigned to FD by DEPT HEAD Paul Williams on 11.1.24
Case: BOA-1690484 Address: 94-100 Perthshire Road Ward 22 Applicant: Patrick McKenna
Article(s): Art. 51 Sec. 51 57 Appl.of Dimensional Req.Two or more Dwellings on a lot Art. 51 Sec. 08*Use Regualtions MFR use forbidden in a 2f subdistrict Art. 51 Sec. 09 Excessive f.a.r Art. 51 Sec. 09 # of allowed stories has been exceeded Art. 51 Sec. 09 Insufficient rear yard setback Article 51, Section 56.Off Street Parking & Loading Req Off street parking is insufficient Art.51 Sec.56Off St Parking Design#4 Location of Parking in front yard Article 51, Section 50.2Conformity Ex Bldg AlignmentBuilding in rear not conforming with existing street alignment Art. 51 Sec. 09 Lot width minimum insufficient (Shared driveway street access)
Purpose: The shire development bldg 2 of 2. erect a new 3 story, 4 family dwelling (townhouse). part of multiple dwellings on one lot development. at grade parking also included. raze existing structure on a separate permit. these four units’ entryways to be 94 96 98 100 perthshire road *(This application has been filed in conjunction with ERT1651770) *10/15/24 filing assigned to FD by Dept Head Paul Williams on 11.1.24**REVISED PLANS REVIEWED ON 2.7.25
Case: BOA-1651382 Address: 66 Burt Street Ward 17 Applicant: Volunteers of America Massachusetts
Article(s): Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories)
Article 65, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 65, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient
Purpose: Enclose existing 2nd and 3rd floor porches for additional floor area
Case: BOA- 1690291 Address: 14 Merlin Street Ward 17 Applicant: Cesar DaSilva
Article(s): Art. 65 Sec. 08 ForbiddenApplicant will need to seek relief to change the use from a Single Family to a Four Family. Article 65, Section 8.2 Use Regulations: Basement UnitsApplicant will need to seek relief to have a unit located in the basement. Dwelling Units in basement are forbidden. Art. 65 Sec. 41Off street parking requirements Applicant will need to seek relief for off street parking for four units. Zoning requires five parking spaces. Currently the house is used as a single family with tandem parking. Art. 65 Sec. 43 Ext. of non conforming useExisting non conformity Side yard setback of 5' (feet). Zoning requires a setback minimum of 10' (feet).
Purpose: Change occupancy from one family to four unit building. Interior & exterior work as per attached plans. E[PLANS] Filed.
Case: BOA-1651071 Address: 23 Richfield Street Ward 15 Applicant: Glen Hoffman
Article(s): Article 65, Section 9 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive
Article 65, Section 9 Lot Area Insufficient Article 65, Section 15 Use: Forbidden Art. 65 Sec. 42Off Street Parking Insufficient
Purpose: Proposed Basement Renovations to include change of occupancy from a 3 family to a 4 family with all work to be done in the basement unit as per stamped plans -
Case: BOA-1631614 Address: 679 Cummins Highway Ward 18 Applicant: Mr. Jose Valdez
Article(s): Article 60 Section 60-4 Dim. Regs Applicable in Residential Subdistricts (Table D) Building lot allowed coverage exceeded- 40% max Article 60 Section 60-4 Dim. Regs Applicable in Residential Subdistricts (Table D) Permeable Area pf Lot minimum insufficient- 25% reg. Article 60 Section 60-4 Dim. Regs Applicable in Residential Subdistricts (Table D) Insufficient side yard setabacks -3' min ,14’ cumulative Article 60 Section 60-4 Dim. Regs Applicable in Residential Subdistricts (Table D) Insufficient rear yard setback -20' min req. Article 60, Section 60-32 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements Insufficient Parking -.75 spaces/ unit required Article 60, Section 60-32 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements LOCATION (4) No parking allowed in a required front yard unless if it also a side yard to where frontage taken by the parking space does not be
Purpose: Subdivision of existing parcel and create w/ new parcel to have address of 679 Cummins Hwy. This application is for the Erection of new 3 family home with 2 off street parking spaces & new curb cut, basement storage and utilities. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms per unit. Common interior and exterior stairs. Solar ready. *ASSIGNED TO FD 12.28.23 NOTE: OPEN BUILDING CODE REVIEW UNDER THE DIRECTION OF IT MANAGER (Application filed in conjunction with 677 Cummins HWY ALT1564037 for subdivision yet to be processed and assigned by Admin for review) **ALT1564037 issued by DB.
Case: BOA- 1591933 Address: 36 Akron Street Ward 12 Applicant: 32-36 Akron Street, LLC
Article(s): Art. 50 Sec. 29 Insufficient lot area per dwelling unit (8,000sf additional required)
Art. 50 Sec. 29 Excessive f.a.r- .8 max Art. 50 Sec. 29 Number of allowed stories exceeded- 3 stories max.Art. 50 Sec. 29 Insufficient open space- 650sf/unit required Art. 50 Sec. 29 Insufficient front yard setback- 20' required Art. 50 Sec. 29 Insufficient side yard setback -10' required Art. 50 Sec. 29 Height exceeded -35' max Art. 50 Sec. 44 Traffic visibility across a corner lot Article 50, Section 43 Off-Street Parking & Loading Req Insufficient parking
Article 50 Section 28 Use Regulations MFR 10 units - Forbidden
Purpose :3.27.24 Updated scope of work for clarification: Demolition of existing vacant/abandoned house, then combine the two lots owned in common into one lot and construct a new 10-unit residential multi-family building per plans submitted. Nominal Fee Letter. Demolition of building to be applied for and secured on a SF demolition permit. Redacted scope: Demolition of existing vacant/abandoned house. Proposed erection of new residential multi-family building housing 10 units. Nominal Fee Letter. * Demolition of building to be applied for and secured on a SF demolition permit.
Case: BOA- 1648030 Address: 2164-2168 Washington Street Ward 8 Applicant: Community Music Center of Boston, Inc.
Article(s) Art. 50 Sec. 43 Off street parking insufficient More parking spaces required due conversion of basement from storage into conditionate space. Article 50, Section 11Dimensional Regulations in Roxbury EDA FAR exceeded. Max. allowed 2.0
Purpose : The proposed redevelopment project involves the change in occupancy and interior/roof renovation of the
existing three story building located at 2164 2168 Washington Street, Roxbury, MA (Parcel ID: 0802478000). The basement of the existing building is currently excluded from the building’s GFA; in addition to renovating the existing building, Applicant proposes to fit out the basement to accommodate the project's proposed uses, which will include studio (arts/music), community center, and accessory office uses. Applicant does not propose to continue any of the building's currently permitted uses, including storage, store, gallery and art exhibit, and sales. In connection with the project, Applicant and the Boston Planning Department will enter into an easement agreement, which will grant Applicant the exclusive right to use portions of two adjacent parcels owned by the Boston Redevelopment Authority (Parcel ID: 0802472000; Parcel ID: 0802479000) on which the existing building encroaches.
Case: BOA- 1659785 Address: 8 Brooks Street Ward 1 Applicant: Tom Walsh & Peter Ryan
Article(s): Article 53 East Boston Neighborhood District Section 53-5 Residential Dimensional Regulations-Insufficient rear yard setback (To be determined by BOA) Article 53 East Boston Neighborhood District Section 53-5 Residential Dimensional Regulations- Max allowed building height has been exceeded (Corrected via revised plans) Article 53 East Boston Neighborhood District Section 53-5 Residential Dimensional Regulations- Max. allowed number of stories has been exceeded (2.27.25 Corrected via revised plans) Article 53 East Boston Neighborhood District Section 53-5 Residential Dimensional Regulations- Building lot coverage > 60% Article 53 East Boston Neighborhood District Section 53-5 Residential Dimensional Regulations- Minimum permeable surface reduced @ <30% Article 53 East Boston Neighborhood District Section 53-29 Allowed Encroachments into the rear yard of a shallow lot <10'(Corrected via revised plans 2.27.25) Article 53 East Boston Neighborhood District Section 53-25 Roof structure restricitions. Reconfiguration of exiting roof structure via proposed 2 story vertical addition with private roof decks Art. 09 Sec. 02 Nonconforming Use Change Nonconforming retail store use on lot Art. 32 Sec. 32-4 Groundwater Conservation\Overlay Substantial renovation District, Applicability
Purpose: Change occupancy of attached one story buildings retail store into a retail store and 4 dwelling units with two privates roof decks by erecting a 2-story vertical addition on top of the existing one-story structure per 2/27/25 revised plans submitted.
Case: BOA- 1675304 Address: 140 Chelsea Street Ward 1 Applicant: Richard Lynds
Article(s) Art. 32 Sec. 04 GCOD Applicability Basement excavation Art. 53 Sec. 08 Forbidden Basement units are forbidden Art. 53 Sec. 09 Dimensional Regulations Max allowed f.a.r. exceeded Art. 53 Sec. 09 Dimensional Regulations Insufficient additional lot area /unit Art. 53 Sec. 09 Dimensional Regulations Number of allowed habitable stories exceeded- 3 max Art. 53 Sec. 09 Dimensional Regulations Insufficient open space/unit Art. 53 Sec. 09 Dimensional Regulations Insufficient parking Article 53 Section 8 Use Regulations Use forbidden
Purpose : Change occupancy from a three (3) unit residential dwelling to a four (4) unit residential dwelling as per plans.Case: BOA-1686316 Address: 853-855 East First Street Ward: 6 Applicant: Ashley Whitehead
Article(s): Article 68, Section 8 Usable Open Space Insufficient
Purpose: Applying for a permit for a curb cut to create a driveway on my property to park two vehicles. -
Case: BOA-1689794 Address: 62-66 Condor Street Ward 1 Applicant: Condor Nay, LLC
Article(s): Article 53, Section 10.2 Dimension Regulations (Waterfront) Building Height (Feet) Excessive Article 53, Section 10.3 Waterfront Open Space Requirements Article 53, Section 10.4.a Waterfront Yard Area Measurements Article 53, Section 10.4.b Setback Requirements Article 53, Section 29.1 Conformity with Existing Bldg Alignment Article 25A Section4 CFROD Applicability
Purpose: Erect a new 5 story Mixed Use Building on newly created lot with thirty six (36) Multi Family residential units, three (3) Retail on ground floor (core/shell) and below grade parking, as per plans. Building features amenity space, balconies, and common roof deck. See ALT1655420 for subdivision. Existing building to be razed under separate permit. [ePlan] SPR
Case: BOA- 1685296 Address: 265-269 Maverick Street Ward 1 Applicant: 265 Maverick, LLC
Article(s) Article 53, Section 5.3 Dimensional Regulations Building Height (Stories) Excessive Article 53, Section 5.3 Dimensional Regulations Building Depth (Feet) Excessive Article 25A Section 4 CFROD Applicability Article 25, Section 5 Flood Plain Regulations Article 32, Section 4.GCOD, Applicability Art. 53 Sec.25 Roof Structure Restrictions
Purpose : The petitioner seeks a determination that the Inspectional Services Department erred in issuing a refusal letter citing Article 53-25 – Roof Top Restrictions; Article 53-5.3 – Building Height (Stories) – Excessive ; and Article 53-5.3 – Building Height (Feet) – Excessive.