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All weekly City Council meetings are held at 12 p.m. (noon) in the Christopher A. Iannella Chamber on the fifth floor of Boston City Hall, unless otherwise noted.

Discussion Topics


    0641 Message and order for your approval an appropriation order in the total amount of Thirty-Eight Million One Hundred Forty-Eight Thousand Fifty-Two Dollars ($38,148,052.00) from Fiscal Year 2025 Community Preservation Fund revenues for community preservation projects at the recommendation of the City of Boston Community Preservation Committee (“CPC”).

    0642 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Three Hundred Eighty-Two Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Three Dollars and Fifty-Nine Cents ($382,163.59) in form of a grant, for the Carry-In Wagner Peyser Program Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund the individual reemployment needs of Unemployment Insurance claimants, as well as prevent and detect improper benefit payments, and application assistance for, training and education resources and programs.

    0643 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.000) in the form of a grant, for the Uncornered Grant, awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, passed through the Economic Development & Industrial Corporation of Boston to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund coaching, mentorship, and other workforce development training opportunities for at-risk, violence-involved youth and reentering citizens.

    0644 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Lending Library for Almont Playground/Mattapan, awarded by the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation to be administered by the Office of Early Childhood. The grant will fund the implementation, operation and replenishment of a community recreation lending library in the Hunt Almont playground in the Mattapan section of the City of Boston.

    0645 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Lending Library for the Moakley Park/South Boston, awarded by the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation to be administered by the Office of Early Childhood. The grant will fund the implementation, operation and replenishment of a community recreation lending library in the Moakley Park in the South Boston section of the City of Boston.

    0646 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Lending Library for Ringer Park/Allston, awarded by the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation to be administered by the Office of Early Childhood. The grant will fund the implementation, operation and replenishment of a community recreation lending library in Ringer Park in Allston section of the City of Boston.

    0647 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Lending Library for, the East Boston Greenway/East Boston awarded by the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation to be administered by the Office of Early Childhood. The grant will fund the implementation, operation and replenishment of a community recreation lending library at the East Boston Greenway in the East Boston section of the City of Boston.

    0648 Message and order for your approval an Order authorizing the City of Boston Streets Cabinet to enter into a contract for a period of up to ten years for the services of an operator for the City’s public bike share program, Bluebikes. The contract term would begin in 2026. The City Council’s permission to enter into a contract of this type for a period of more than three years is required by section 12 of Chapter 30B of the General Laws.

    0650 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Kirsten Hoffman as a Member of the Monument Square Landmark District Study Committee.

    0651 Message transmitting certain information under section 17F re: vehicles owned, leased, or otherwise utilized by the City of Boston, filed on Docket #0490, passed by the City Council on February 12, 2025.


    0652 Communication was received from Clare Kelly, Director of Intergovernmental Relations regarding a written statement for reference of the Mayor's testimony at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing in Washington D.C.

    0653 Notice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of February 26, 2025.

    0654 Communication was received from Councilor Santana regarding second call for urgent action to sustain the BPS Parent Mentor Program operated by St. Stephen's Youth Programs.


    0137 The Committee on Government Operations, to which was referred on January 8, 2025, Docket #0137, An Ordinance regarding employee safety within Boston's oil terminals, submits a report recommending that the ordinance ought to pass.


    0393 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Million Five Hundred Sixty-Three Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Six Dollars and Twenty-Eight Cents ($2,563,236.28) in the form of a grant, for the FY25 State Elder Lunch Program Grant, awarded by the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund nutrition services for older adults in the City of Boston, at a rate of $7.39 per meal for up to 358,679 meals.

    0414 Order for a hearing to audit the implementation and effectiveness of the 2014 Boston Trust Act.

    0128 Communication was received from Police Commissioner Michael A. Cox in accordance with Section 3 of the Boston Trust Act regarding civil immigration detainer results for calendar year 2024.

    0407 Message and order for your approval an Ordinance for Road Safety and Accountability for Delivery Providers.

    0397 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Seven Hundred Two Thousand Two Hundred Forty-Four Dollars and Twenty-Two Cents ($702,244.22) in the form of a grant, for the REDEA Program for Field CY24 Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund individual reemployment needs of unemployment insurance claimants, as well as prevent and detect improper benefit payments, and application assistance for, training and education resources and programs.

    0398 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Six Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Forty-Six Dollars and Fifty-Seven Cents ($626,466.57) in the form of a grant, for the Carry-in WIOA Dislocated Workers Program Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund a program to help dislocated workers get back to work as quickly as possible and overcome barriers to employment.


    0401 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Hundred Fifty-Four Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-One Dollars ($254,921.00) in the form of a grant, for the WIOA Youth Activities Admin Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund a program that focuses primarily on out-of-school youth, between ages

    14-24, who face barriers to education, training, and employment.

    0403 Message and orders authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Nine Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-One Dollars and Seventy Cents ($109,271.70) in the form of a grant, for the WIOA Dislocated Worker Admin Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund individualized career services and training services, for dislocated workers to rejoin the workforce as early as possible and overcome barriers to employment.

    0404 Message and orders authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Ninety-Four Thousand Eighty-Nine Dollars ($94,089.00) in the form of a grant, for the Wagner Peyser Admin Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office Workforce Development. The grant will fund individual reemployment needs of unemployment insurance claimants, as well as prevent and detect improper benefit payments and application assistance for training and education resources and programs.

    0449 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Million Two Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Two Hundred Eighty-Nine Dollars ($2,294,289.00) in the form of a grant for the WIOA Youth Program Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund a comprehensive youth employment program to serve eligible youth, ages 14-24, who face barriers to education, training, and employment.


    0450 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Seven Hundred Sixty-One Thousand Two Hundred Twelve Dollars and Seventy Cents ($1,761,212.70) in the form of a grant, for the WIOA Adult Activities, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund services to help job seekers access employment, education, skills training, apprenticeships and support services.

    0451 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Seventy-Six Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Seven Dollars ($1,076,177.00) in the form of a grant, for the Wagner Peyser Program, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund the individual reemployment needs of Unemployment Insurance claimants, as well as prevent and detect improper benefit payments, and application assistance for, training and education resources and programs.

    0452 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Nine Hundred Eighty-Three Thousand Four Hundred Forty-Five Dollars and Thirty Cents ($983,445.30) in the form of a grant, for the WIOA Dislocated Workers Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund a program to help dislocated workers get back to work as quickly as possible and overcome barriers to employment.

    0455 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the Carry-In Regional Planning Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund regional planning efforts to address the creation of regional pipeline programming for high demand industries and occupations in alignment with regional planning priorities.


    0655 Councilor Mejia and Breadon offered the following: Resolution declaring Boston a sanctuary city for transgender persons and all members of the LGBTQIA2s+ community.

    0656 Councilor Mejia offered the following: Resolution declaring March 12, 2025 as "School Social Worker Appreciation Day" in the City of Boston.


    0657 Councilor Louijeune for Councilor Durkan offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Denise Mame Gately in City Council, effective March 18, 2024


    12/25  Legislative Calendar for March 12, 2025.


    0658 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution in memory of Yvon "Tiboule" Tersilas.

    0659 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution in memory of Elaine M. Cloherty.

    0660 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing the birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.

    0661 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Tufts University.

    0662 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Maria Giazi Blasi.

    0663 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Kyle Holmes.

    0664 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Jimmy Allen.

    0665 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing David Pogorelc.

    0666 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Chee Kong Tong.

    0667 Councilor Durkan offered the following: Resolution recognizing Zina Izejiobi.

    0668 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Jomairy Pena.

    0669 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Castle Square Tenants Association.

    0670 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Alanna Devlin Ball.

    0671 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Randy J. Greeley.

    0672 Councilor Worrell offered the following: Resolution recognizing Prince Hall Freemasonry.

    0673 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution in memory of Fletcher "Flash" Wiley.

    0674 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing the Taishan Communtiy Association.

    0675 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing the South Boston Citizens' Association.

    0676 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing the Save Chinatown No Arena Coalition.

    0677 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Brian Ahern.

    0678 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing South Boston Allied War Veterans Council.

    0679 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Michael Aldred.

    0680 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Brian Yanovitch.

    0681 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing the Chinese Progressive Association.

    0682 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Asian Americans United.

    0683 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Randy J. Greeley.

    0684 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Alanna Devlin Ball.

    0685 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Castle Square Tenants Organization.

    0686 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Jomairy Peña.

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