All weekly City Council meetings are held at 12 p.m. (noon) in the Christopher A. Iannella Chamber on the fifth floor of Boston City Hall, unless otherwise noted.
Discussion Topics
0448 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Fourteen Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($14,400,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the Safe Street and Roads for All, awarded by the United States Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, passed through the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, to be administered by the Transportation Department. The grant will fund systemic safety improvements to traffic signals at 50 locations across the City of Boston.
0449 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Million Two Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Two Hundred Eighty-Nine Dollars ($2,294,289.00) in the form of a grant for the WIOA Youth Program Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund a comprehensive youth employment program to serve eligible youth, ages 14-24, who face barriers to education, training, and employment.
0450 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Seven Hundred Sixty-One Thousand Two Hundred Twelve Dollars and Seventy Cents ($1,761,212.70) in the form of a grant, for the WIOA Adult Activities, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund services to help job seekers access employment, education, skills training, apprenticeships and support services.
0451 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Seventy-Six Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Seven Dollars ($1,076,177.00) in the form of a grant, for the Wagner Peyser Program, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund the individual reemployment needs of Unemployment Insurance claimants, as well as prevent and detect improper benefit payments, and application assistance for, training and education resources and programs.
0452 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Nine Hundred Eighty-Three Thousand Four Hundred Forty-Five Dollars and Thirty Cents ($983,445.30) in the form of a grant, for the WIOA Dislocated Workers Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund a program to help dislocated workers get back to work as quickly as possible and overcome barriers to employment.
0453 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($65,000.00) in the form of a grant for the Childcare Entrepreneur Fund Grant, awarded by the Donor Group to be administered by the Office of Early Childhood. The grant will fund charitable and educational activities related to Childcare.
0454 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Forty-Three Thousand Three Hundred Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents ($43,312.50) in the form of a grant for the FYOB MLK Scholars Program Grant, awarded by the Boston Foundation, passed through the Philanthropic Initiative, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund summer jobs, financial education, and professional development opportunities for Boston youth.
0455 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the Carry-In Regional Planning Grant, awarded by the United States Department of Labor, passed through the MassHire Department of Career Services, to be administered by the Office of Workforce Development. The grant will fund regional planning efforts to address the creation of regional pipeline programming for high demand industries and occupations in alignment with regional planning priorities.
0456 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in the form of a grant, for the VBS-Horrigan Stock Donations, awarded by John Horrigan, passed through the City of Boston Trust Funds, to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund various expenses at the Veronica B. Smith Senior Center in Brighton.
0458 Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to submit a Statement of Interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Core Program for Madison Park Technical Vocational High School pursuant to M.G.L. c. 70B, § 5. The Statement of Interest describes and explains the deficiencies within the school facility that prevents Boston Public Schools (BPS) from delivering their desired educational program.
0459 Message and order authorizing for your approval an Order authorizing the City of Boston to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Statements of Interest for their Accelerated Repair Program for the following schools: Boston Adult Technical Academy, Hurley K-8 School, Mildred Avenue K-8 School, Mendell Elementary School, Mary Lyon Pilot High School, Joyce Kilmer Lower School, Margarita Muñiz Academy, Orchard Gardens K-8 School, Trotter K-6 Elementary School. The Statements of Interest describe and explain the deficiencies and the priority category for which the City of Boston may be invited to apply to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future: Priority 5 - Replacement, renovation or modernization of the school facility systems, such as roofs, windows, boilers, heating and ventilation systems, to increase energy conservation and decrease energy related costs in a school facility.
0460 Message and order for the confirmation of the reappointment of Dr. Guale Valdez as a member of the Boston Public Health Commission's Board of Health, for a term expiring January 15, 2028.
0461 Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Jessica Boatright as a member of the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) Review Board, for a term expiring April 24, 2026.
0462 Message and order for the confirmation of the reappointment of Lawrence DiCara as a member of the Audit Committee, for a term expiring November 9, 2026.
0463 Notice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Jerica Bradley as First Assistant Collector-Treasurer, effective November 30, 2024.
0464 Communication was received from Councilor Murphy and Councilor Flynn regarding a "Request to Implement a Citywide Ban on Nondisclosure Agreements in Employment Matters."
0465 Communication was received from Council President Ruthzee Louijeune calling for the election of City Clerk for the City of Boston on February 12, 2025, and ending on February 3, 2028.
President Louijeune nominates Alex Geourntas.
0466 Communication was received from Council President Ruthzee Louijeune calling for the election of Assistant City Clerk for the City of Boston on February 12, 2025, and ending on February 3, 2028.
President Louijeune nominates Dassie Bheecham.
0467 Communication was received from Councilor Flynn regarding Eve Griffin of the Boston Public Library.
0236 The Committee on Government Operations, to which was referred on
January 15, 2025, Docket #0236, Message and order for your approval a
new home rule petition to the General Court, “Petition for a Special Law
Re: An Act Relative to Residential Tax Relief in the City of Boston,
submits a report recommending that the docket ought to pass in a new draft.
0293 The Committee on Strong Women and Families and Communities, to which
was referred on January 29, 2025, Docket #0293, message and order
authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One
Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-Seven Dollars and
Seventy-Two Cents ($145,687.72) in the form of a grant, for the FY24
Violence Against Women’s Act, a STOP Grant, awarded by the United
States Department of Justice, passed through the MA Executive Office of
Public Safety and Security, to be administered by the Police Department.
The grant will fund a Civilian Domestic Violence Advocate who provide
services for victims in Jamaica Plain, as well as for Spanish-speaking
victims citywide and also supporting overtime for all Civilian Domestic
Violence Advocates citywide, submits a report recommending that the order
ought to pass. -
0135 Ordinance to protect workers from heat-related illness and injuries in the
City of Boston.
0325 Order for a hearing to discuss Boston's FY26 budget.
0241 Message and order temporarily extending Urban Renewal Plans in the City
of Boston until March 31, 2027 or passage of a proposed relevant Home
Rule Petition. -
0468 Councilor Worrell offered the following: Ordinance to Establish RISE: Reshaping Inequities through Systematic Empowerment.
0469 Councilor Murphy and Flynn offered the following: Petition for a Special Law Re: The Use of Nondisclosure, Confidentiality, and Other Employment Agreements in the City of Boston
0470 Councilor Breadon and Louijeune offered the following: Petition for a Special Law re: An Act requiring that broker fees in the City of Boston be paid by the party who solicits a licensed broker.
0471 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss requiring all micro-mobility devices to be licensed, registered and insured.
0472 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Order for a hearing to review the PILOT program in the City of Boston.
0473 Councilor Weber offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding biannual review of the Boston Employment Commission and the Boston Residents Jobs Policy.
0474 Councilor Durkan and Santana offered the following: Order for a hearing to assess the efficacy of the City of Boston Municipal Code's University Accountability Ordinance.
0475 Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Order for a hearing to review and evaluate the Boston City Council's legislative impact on District 7 residents and its collaboration with the administration on projects in District 7 to identify areas for improvement.
0476 Councilor Durkan and Worrell offered the following: Order for a hearing on Boston's distribution and implementation of COVID-19 relief funding and programs.
0477 Councilor Durkan and FitzGerald offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss contractor parking regulations, permitting, and enforcement in Boston.
0478 Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Order for a hearing to evaluate alterative options for the center running bus lane on Blue Hill Avenue and Columbus Avenue.
0479 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Order for a hearing to update and replace Black Heritage Trail signage.
0480 Councilor Mejia offered the following: Order for a hearing to evaluate the year-to-date financial performance of the FY2025 operating budget.
0481 Councilor Mejia offered the following: Order for a hearing to audit the financial impact of the Boston Police Department's compliance with City of Boston code section 11-1.1.
0482 Councilor Murphy offered the following: Order for a hearing to examine the impact of expiring COVID-related grant funding and other expenditures on City programs and staffing.
0483 Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Resolution to support a study to evaluate feasibility of establishing an electric shuttle bus program to connect business districts across Boston.
0484 Councilor Louijeune and Durkan offered the following: Resolution in support of the Mass General Brigham primary care physicians.
0485 Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Resolution to support and create a small business Trust Cooperative in the City of Boston.
0486 Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Resolution calling on the Administration to provide constituent service software to improve City Council constituent services advocacy and follow-up.
0487 Councilor Worrell and Louijeune offered the following: Resolution recognizing Black History Month in the City of Boston.
0488 Councilor Fernandes Anderson offered the following: Resolution in support of establishing a community preference policy for affordable housing development to mitigate displacement in Boston neighborhoods.
0489 Councilor Murphy offered the following: Order requesting certain information under Section 17F regarding Boston Public Schools (BPS) Code of Conduct Violations.
0490 Councilor Mejia offered the following: Order requesting certain information under section 17F re: vehicles owned, leased, or otherwise utilized by the City of Boston.
Legislative Calendar for February 12, 2025.
0491 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing VietAid.
0492 Councilor Pepén offered the following: Resolution congratulating Tree of Life Behavioral Health Services & Parents Universal Institute.
0493 Councilor Coletta Zapata offered the following: Resolution recognizing First Class Beauty Bar.
0494 Councilor Coletta Zapata offered the following: Resolution recognizing Josh Schmidt.
0495 Councilor Coletta Zapata offered the following: Resolution in memory of Elba Portillo.
0496 Councilor Weber offered the following: Resolution recognizing The JP Recovery Center.
0497 Councilor Weber offered the following: Resolution recognizing Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale.
0498 Councilor Worrell offered the following: Resolution recognizing four individuals upon Grenada Independence Day.
0499 Councilor FitzGerald offered the following: Resolution recognizing Ms. Shirley Jones.
0500 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Josiah Quincy Elementary School.
0501 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Peter O'Malley.
0502 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating Dr. Esther St Louis.
0503 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating Dr. Thomas St Louis.
0504 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating Bishop Gregory Toussaint.
0505 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating Stephen Pina.
0506 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating ChamSuze & Yves St Pierre.
0507 Councilor Louijeune offered the following: Resolution congratulating Professor Théophile Pierre.
0508 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing the Eliot School.
0509 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England.
0510 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Chinese Merchants Association.
0511 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Ni Lun Welfare Association.
0512 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Gee How Oak Tin.
0513 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Tufts Medical Center.
0514 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Leung Family Association.
0515 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Ukraine Forward.
0516 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Ukrainian American Educational Center of Boston.
0517 Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Wang YMCA of Chinatown.