Boston Groundwater Trust Meeting
The Trustees of the Boston Groundwater Trust will hold a hybrid meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 4 p.m.
Attention: This meeting will be held in person with an option to attend virtually at the link below:
- Meeting ID: 819 0059 1042
- Passcode: 140690
- Or call 1-301-715-8592
Discussion Topics
2. Potential changes to GCOD and ZBA hearings with Inspectional Services Commissioner Tania Del Rio:30
3. Adoption of minutes from the September 19th meeting:05 VOTE REQUIRED
4. Financial and annual report:10
5. 2025 meeting dates:05
6. Addition of nominating entity update:10
7. Remote well reading devices:10
8. Executive Director’s report:05
9. Other business:05