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Boston Water and Sewer Commission

The Boston Water and Sewer Commission will hold an Open Meeting on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 10 a.m. in its third floor Executive Conference Room, 980 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02119.

Under the provisions of Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, signed into law by the Governor on March 29, 2023, further extending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law until March 31, 2025, this hybrid meeting will also be conducted remotely.

Join the online meeting

Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda

    Call to Order

          Minutes of Meeting

    1. Minutes of the August 20, 2024 Meeting

    Informational Reports

    1. Disbursement Notification (Schedules A, B, & D)

    General Management Reports

    1. Capital Improvement Program Budget Variance Report
    2. Monthly Management Report
    3. August 2024 Revenue and Expense Analysis

    Proposals and Contracts


    1. Commission Authorization to Request Additional Funding, BWSC Contract No.18-308-001 Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water and Sewer Pipes in Back Bay/Beacon Hill and Fenway/Kenmore
    2. Commission Authorization to Award Contract No.19-309-001, Drainage Works Improvements – Installation of New Tide Gates in Central, South Boston, Charlestown and East Boston


         1.    Commission Authorization to Approve Amendment for Contract 21-207-002 for

                Professional Services to Provide Assistance in Requirements Assessment, Evaluation,

                Acquisition and Implementation Management of a Construction Project Management


         2.    Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 24-201-004 for Carpet Cleaning


         3.     Commission Authorization to Advertise Snow Maintenance Contract at 180 - 220    

                 Alford Street, Charlestown

         4.     Commission Authorization to Advertise Preventative Maintenance Services and      

                 Repairs for Building Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems


         5.     Commission Authorization to Award to GovConnection for Disk Backup Hardware



          1.    Commission Authorization to Advertise a Request for Proposals for Licensed Site   

                 Professional Services


          1.    Commission Authorization to Solicit Bids/Proposals for 2025 Purchase/Service


    Executive Session

         1.    Minutes

         2.    Litigation

         3.    Personnel Matters

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