Taller de Plan de Negocios (Business Plan Workshop)
Join the Small Business team for a workshop on creating a business plan conducted in Spanish.
Únase a nosotros para un taller sobre cómo crear un plan de negocios, que se llevará a cabo en español. Se ofrecerán café y refrigerios ligeros.
El Taller de Plan de Negocios se llevará a cabo en el Civic Pavilion, City Hall Plaza, 5 Congress St. Boston, MA 02203. Comenzará a las 10:00 am.
Join us for a workshop on how to create a business plan, which will be conducted in Spanish. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.
The Business Plan Workshop will take place at the Civic Pavilion, City Hall Plaza, 5 Congress St. Boston, MA 02203, starting at 10:00 am.