Climate Resilience
Boston is taking action to adapt to and prepare for the impacts of climate change.
In Boston, we experience the effects of climate change on a daily basis. Rising sea levels, stronger storms, and hotter days pose a threat to our city. The City released the Climate Ready Boston report in 2016, which evolved into the Climate Ready Boston initiative. Since 2016, Climate Ready Boston has completed coastal resilience plans for our entire 47-mile coastline as well as a citywide heat resilience plan.
Today, the Office of Climate Resilience and our partners in other departments are implementing climate resilience projects across the City to address coastal flooding, stormwater flooding, and extreme heat. Our webpage serves as a hub of information about Boston's citywide climate resilience work.
Boston's Changing Climate
Climate Change Impacts and Projections for the Greater Boston Area
Learn about Climate Change impacts and projections from the Greater Boston Research Advisory Group from 2022.
Massachusetts Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Viewer
Learn about the Massachusetts Coast Flood Risk Model projections for sea level rise and storm surge in Boston and across the Commonwealth.
Boston Heat Map Explorer
Extreme temperature maps were produced for the 2022 Heat Plan. These maps include: daytime and nighttime temperatures, heat event duration, and urban heat island index.
Coastal Resilience
Coastal Resilience Planning
We completed coastal resilience plans to study and address coastal flooding from sea level rise and storms for all 47 miles of Boston's coastline. Visit this webpage to read the plans and learn more about the planning process.
Coastal Resilience Implementation
We are taking action to adapt and protect Boston's waterfront from coastal flooding from sea level rise and storms. Visit this webpage to learn more about our implementation progress and view our Project Tracker.
U.S. Army Corps Coastal Storm Risk Management Study
The study builds on the Climate Ready Boston initiative's coastal resilience plans and will recommend measures that are eligible for direct federal investment.
Stormwater Management
Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure helps with coastal flooding, stormwater management, and rising temperatures and is an essential part of Boston’s work towards becoming a greener, more resilient and equitable city.
Boston Water and Sewer Commission Stormwater Program
In 2024, the Boston Water and Sewer Commission implemented an expanded stormwater program that meets an elevated need for investment in stormwater infrastructure.
Coastal Stormwater Discharge Analysis Project
In 2023, the Boston Water and Sewer Commission studied the impact of climate change on the drainage system and developed possible solutions.
Heat Resilience
Heat Resilience Solutions for Boston
Climate Ready Boston released the Heat Plan in 2022, which identifies strategies to address current and future impacts of increased temperatures and extreme heat events due to climate change.
Extreme Heat Data Download
Download the extreme heat data from the Heat Plan.
Boston Tree Alliance Program
The Boston Tree Alliance provides grants and technical support to community-based organizations to plant and care for trees on privately-owned land.
Open Space and Conservation
Open Space and Recreation Plan
The 2023-2029 Open Space and Recreation Plan provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of Boston's park system as well as a set of goals and a Seven-Year Action Plan that will guide the City’s parks-related work heading towards 2030.
Urban Forest Plan
In 2022, the Parks and Recreation Department released a plan for how the Boston community can work together to prioritize, preserve, and grow our tree canopy.
Wetlands Protection Ordinance
The Boston Conservation Commission adopted a local Wetlands Protection Ordinance in 2019, which gives the City greater authority to protect its wetlands.
Zoning and Design Guidelines
Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines and Overlay District
The Boston Planning and Development Agency established the Coastal Flood Resilience Overlay District in 2022, which formalized the 2018 Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines.
Climate Resilient Infrastructure Guidelines
The Boston Public Works Department has guidelines for the design of flood barriers in the public right-of-ways.
Resilient Historic Buildings Design Guide
Historic buildings must be able to withstand the impacts of climate change to maintain the historic fabric of Boston. The Landmarks Commission has a comprehensive guide to retrofitting Boston’s historic buildings to address climate change.
Emergency Response and Preparedness
Emergency Management
The Boston Office of Emergency Management works to enhance the City's capacity to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from major emergencies, including extreme weather events such as storms and heat waves.
Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Office of Emergency Management updated the City's Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan in 2021 with a goal to reduce and respond to the City’s projected risks associated with natural disasters.
Alert Boston
Sign up for emergency alerts from the City of Boston. You can sign up for alerts in 11 of the City of Boston's most-spoken languages.
Keeping Cool in the Heat
Extreme heat can be dangerous to health, and even fatal. We want our residents and visitors to be safe during hot weather. Find cooling tips and resources on this website.
Tips for Dealing with a Flood
Find tips for preparing for and staying safe during a storm that creates a flooding event in Boston.
How to Make an Emergency Kit
A home emergency kit is for when the City of Boston orders a shelter-in-place. Learn how to create emergency kits.
Climate Ready Boston
The City of Boston released the Climate Ready Boston report in 2016. The report included a citywide climate vulnerability assessment and strategies to address the impacts of climate change. The report laid the foundation for subsequent actions across the city, including additional planning efforts, policy and regulatory changes, and the formation of the Office of Climate Resilience.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FULL REPORTAbout the Office of Climate Resilience
The Climate Ready Boston team transitioned to the Office of Climate Resilience in August 2024. Building on the work of the Climate Ready Boston initiative, the new office provides a centralized leadership structure for the City to spearhead the delivery of climate resilience in Boston, in coordination with our partners in other City departments, state and federal agencies, and the private sector. The Office of Climate Resilience is a part of the Environment, Energy and Open Space (EEOS) Cabinet.
Our work focuses on enhancing the city's preparedness for climate impacts, implementing resilience strategies identified in the Climate Ready Boston plans, securing funding for climate resilience projects, integrating climate resilience into policy and regulations. Additionally, we foster community engagement and education about climate resilience, and work to ensure that climate resilience initiatives are equitable, inclusive, and prioritize support for Boston's environmental justice populations who are most affected by climate change.
The establishment of the Office of Climate Resilience underscores the evolution of Boston’s leadership in the global effort to combat climate change and build resilient urban environments. The City takes an all-of-government approach to this work, with the Office of Climate Resilience coordinating efforts, communicating progress, and leading critical projects.
Climate Resilience Team