Route 57 Transit Priority Corridor
We're designing changes to city streets to improve bus service along the Route 57 corridor in Allston and Brighton.
The Boston Transportation Department is planning improvements to the Route 57 corridor to reduce transit delay, enhance safety, and reduce confusion for everyone on the street. Improvements will include new bus lanes, changes to bus stops, and changes to how traffic operates at intersections.
Visit the Project Documents section below to review the latest version of the design for the corridor and learn more about the project. Sign up below to get updates and learn about upcoming public events!
Project Goals
We want to ensure all bus riders can wait comfortably at their bus stops and board the bus safely. This includes accessibility for people with disabilities.

We will look at infrastructure and signal improvements to help buses run on schedule.

Time Savings
We will study where the buses are currently experiencing delays along their routes and explore solutions to save time for bus riders.
Project Background
We've heard from lots of people in Allston and Brighton and beyond that the Route 57 doesn't work as well as it could. The City's long-range transportation plan, Go Boston 2030, calls for improved service along this corridor. The Boston Planning and Development Agency's Allston-Brighton Mobility Plan in 2021 recommended transit priority for this corridor as well. Both of these efforts were informed by thousands of comments from residents like you, along with dozens of meetings and rigorous technical analysis.
This project is part of the Boston Transportation Department's Transit Priority Corridors program. The program targets corridor improvements for different bus routes each year.