City Council Committee on Redistricting Working Session on Dockets #1098, #1186, #1215, and #1216
A working session regarding the adoption of City Council redistricting principles and amending City Council electoral districts.
Discussion Topics
Docket #1098
Order for the adoption of City Council redistricting principles.
Docket #1186
An ordinance amending City Council electoral districts.
Docket #1215
An ordinance amending City Council electoral districts.
Docket #1216
An ordinance amending City Council electoral districts.
Docket #1098 was sponsored by Councilor Liz Breadon and referred to the Committee on August 31, 2022. Docket #1186 was sponsored by Councilors Ricardo Arroyo and Tania Fernandes Anderson, and was referred to the Committee on September 28, 2022. Docket #1215 was sponsored by Councilor Erin Murphy and referred to the Committee on October 5, 2022. Docket #1216 was sponsored by Councilors Liz Breadon and Brian Worrell, and was referred to the Committee on October 5, 2022. Further information on the redistricting process is available at
NOTICE: The Boston City Council may have a quorum in attendance due to standing committees of the City Council consisting of both voting and non-voting members. However, members attending this duly posted meeting are participating and deliberating only in conjunction with the business of the standing committee.
Public Testimony
This working session will not include a public comment period. Written comments may be sent to the Committee or staff email (below) and will be made a part of the record and available to all Councilors.
Staff Contact: Shane Pac
Mail Address: Dockets #1098, #1186, and #1215-1216 City Council, City Hall, 5th Floor, Boston MA 02201
Redistricting Website:
Committee Email:
Staff Email: Staff Telephone: 617-635-2435