Boston School Committee Meeting
The Boston School Committee will hold a remote meeting on July 13, 2022, at 5 p.m.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
PUBLIC COMMENT: Please sign up online to testify. Sign up for public comment will close at 4:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting.
Discussion Topics
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes: June 8, 2022; June 21, 2022; and June 29, 2022
4. Acting Superintendent's Report Including Update on MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Strategic Improvement Plan
5. Report: New Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Membership:
- Boston Arts Academy
- Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers
- McCormack/BCLA 7-12
- BPS Alternative Schools Network
- Boston Adult Technical Academy
- Boston Day & Evening
- Boston Collaborative
- Community Academy
- Greater Egleston
6. General Public Comment
7. Action Items
- Grants for Approval: $13,336,632:
Grant Name
Fund Manager
Focus Area(s)
Amount $115,000
FY 2023
Grant Name McKinney - Vento Homeless Education Grant
Status New
Fund Manager Brian Marques
Focus Area(s) At Risk
Sites Districtwide
Amount $811,632
FY 2023
Grant Name Junior Reserve Officers Training Corporation (JROTC)
Status New
Fund Manager Yvonne Macrae
Focus Area(s) College and Career Readiness
Sites East Boston, English, CASH, Excel, Madison Park, O’Bryant
Amount $12,000,000
FY 2023
Grant Name Reimbursable Grant
Status New
Fund Manager Yvonne Macrae
Focus Area(s) Reimbursements
Sites Districtwide
Amount $410,000
FY 2023
Grant Name Promoting Adolescent Health through School-Based HIV Prevention
Status New
Fund Manager Jill Carter
Focus Area(s) Health and Wellness
Sites Districtwide
- Horace Mann In-District Charter Renewals:
- Boston Day & Evening Academy
- Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers
- UP Academy Dorchester
- Horace Mann In-District Charter Amendments: Boston Green Academy Memorandum of
Agreement A and Accountability Plan
- New Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Membership:
- Boston Arts Academy
- Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers
- McCormack/BCLA 7-12
- BPS Alternative Schools Network
- Boston Adult Technical Academy
- Boston Day and Evening
- Boston Collaborative
- Community Academy
- Greater Egleston
- Discussion: Structure and Processes of School Committee Meetings
- Public Comment on Reports (Optional)
- New Business
- Adjourn