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Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Healthcare System Preparedness

The Boston Healthcare Preparedness Coalition (HPC) is a partnership consisting of community health centers, emergency medical services (EMS), hospitals, long term care, public health, and other planning partners. These partners coordinate for a unified response to emergencies affecting public health.

Boston Healthcare Preparedness Coalition

The Boston Healthcare Preparedness Coalition (Boston HPC) is a partnership consisting of:

  • public health
  • emergency medical services (EMS)
  • hospitals
  • community health centers
  • long term care
  • home health
  • mental health
  • specialty care organizations

These partners coordinate a unified response to and recovery from emergencies that affect public health and public health infrastructure. The Boston HPC is the primary conduit for preparedness and response planning for the multi-agency coordinating center (MACC) functions of the Stephen M. Lawlor Medical Intelligence Center (MIC)​. The OPHP coordinates Boston HPC. It also oversees MIC management to support EMS, public health, and healthcare response and recovery efforts by:

  • strengthening medical surge capacity and capabilities
  • building relationships and partnerships
  • facilitating communication, information and resource sharing
  • maximizing movement and use of existing resources
  • coordinating training, drills, and exercises

Contact Us

The Boston HPC uses a portal to share information, coordinate plans, documents, and events.

Learn more
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