Boston Civic Design Commission meeting
There will be a Boston Civic Design Commission Meeting on March 2 at 5 p.m.
To ensure the safety of the public, staff members, and BCDC Commissioners during the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no meeting at City Hall. Please register for the virtual meeting, or call in to 669-254-5252. The meeting ID is 161 338 6404.
Discussion Topics
5:00 – 5:01 Call to Order
5:01 – 5:03 Approval of the February 2, 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Approval of February 9, 16, and 23 Design Committee Minutes
Report from Review Committee
Summary report on projects followed by vote to review later in the meeting
5:03 – 5:05 11-21 Bromfield Street, Downtown
119 Braintree Street, Allston
88 Black Falcon Avenue, South Boston Waterfront
Report from Design Committee (20 minutes each)
5:05 – 5:25 Jan Karsky Way Extension Project, Dorchester
Presentation to the Commission (25 minutes each)
Informational presentation preceded by a short introduction from Boston Planning & Development Agency staff
5:25 – 5:50 Fort Point Open Space Plan
Presentation by BPDA staff and consultants
5:50 – 6:15 11-21 Bromfield Street, Downtown
Proposed office and retail building
6:15 – 6:40 119 Braintree Street Redevelopment, Allston
Residential, office, R&D, lab with ground floor retail
6:40 – 7:05 88 Black Falcon Avenue, South Boston Waterfront
Vertical addition for office, R&D, and lab use