City Council calls for COVID-19 helpline
This week, the Council adopted a resolution that calls for the creation of a helpline during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On May 18, 2020, Governor Baker released a plan to loosen social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in four phases, based on the progression of six public health indicators.
The plan relies on employers self-reporting and self-adherence to rules regarding social distancing in the workplace, staggered start times to reduce rush hours, and workplace hygiene.
This week, the Council adopted a resolution that calls for the creation of a helpline during the COVID-19 pandemic. The resolution states that while the economic concerns of this crisis are great, the health and safety of our communities, particularly of low-wage workers and workers in previously unsafe working conditions, need to be kept in the forefront of the recovery process. A safe re-opening requires that every worker has the necessary resources to feel safe returning to their workplace, interacting with co-workers, employers, other professional contacts and consumers.
“The Governor's plan relies on good intention and self-reporting of employers to enforce protective measures to keep their employees and customers safe, but the truth is not all employers are able to or choose to ensure social-distancing and workplace hygiene. If we are to reopen smoothly with no new surges everyone needs to feel safe at work,” said Councilor Essaibi-George.