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Boston's updated Climate Action Plan unveils strategies for accelerating action to reduce carbon emissions in Boston and outlines immediate next steps for zero net carbon new construction in municipal...

Boston retained its first-place ranking for energy efficiency, according to the ACEEE's 2019 City Clean Energy Scorecard, the most comprehensive national report that tracks city progress toward...

The City has already begun implementing our Zero Waste strategy, but we can’t do it without you.

City of Boston is expanding residential yard waste options, setting up a pilot to help residents divert food scraps, and leading citywide education campaigns.

Greenovate Boston is Mayor Walsh’s initiative to empower Boston residents to take action on climate change in their neighborhoods. Our annual awards recognize those making an impact in climate action...

The City of Boston is developing roadmaps to reduce carbon pollution in buildings and transportation, and updating its Climate Action Plan in line with the Paris Agreement.

Challenge awards winning cities with resources and technical support to help achieve their ambitious climate goals.

"Resilient Boston Harbor" lays out strategies along Boston's 47-mile shoreline that will increase access and open space along the waterfront while better protecting the City.

It’s time to update our Climate Action Plan — Boston’s blueprint for reaching its goals to reduce carbon emissions and to prepare for the impacts of climate change.

The move demonstrates the City's commitment to making renewable energy more accessible to Boston residents.

City of Boston leads Request for Information of large-scale renewable energy projects to meet the collective demand of 20 U.S. cities.

After meeting with key experts, the Carbon Free Boston research team has started to model how different policy options could affect Boston’s future carbon emissions. This analysis will help us...

The summit will focus on best practices and steps city leaders can take to address climate change globally and in their own communities.

What we heard about how to implement a municipal electricity aggregation program in the City of Boston.

The City’s Environment Department is requesting information regarding the establishment of a municipal electricity aggregation program in Boston.

Packaging is a challenging aspect of Boston’s move towards zero waste. Find out more about how you can do your part by being conscious about your purchases and modeling circular use.

Greenhouse gas emissions inventory data for 2005-2015 has been made available to the public as part of the City’s Climate Action Plan.

The circular economy is part of Boston’s move towards zero waste. Find out more about it and how you can do your part.

Buy Nothing groups across Boston model reuse and generosity, building relationships while they reduce waste.

No matter where you live in Boston, the City provides many great ways for you to add composting to your weekly routine.

The City of Boston is now analyzing policies and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and be carbon neutral by 2050.

Greeenovate Boston sat down with a Roslindale resident to learn about the benefits of backyard composting.

A new report, "Coastal Resilience Solutions For East Boston and Charlestown," outlines near- and long-term strategies to protect vulnerable neighborhoods from flooding.

A new report highlights the significant progress being made in Boston under Mayor Walsh's leadership.

Learn about the City’s zero waste goal and what it means for you.

Boston celebrates National Energy Efficiency Day by encouraging all residents to participate in Renew Boston

Analyze Boston features energy and water usage for Boston’s large- and medium-sized buildings to encourage energy reduction and cost-savings.

Mayors agree to work together to develop and share innovative solutions for sustainable and resilient cities.

We’re getting involved with a campaign to use natural light during bright summer days to reduce electricity use.

The City of Boston wants to create a plan that will reduce waste, spur job growth, and achieve cost-savings.

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