City Clerk coronavirus (COVID-19) updates
We hope this message finds you and your loved ones in good health. Given the current public health emergency, we find it necessary to update you on the impact at the City Clerk’s Office.
Our office has made some temporary adjustments to our staffing and our service delivery to ensure the safety and well-being of the public and our employees during this time. As of Monday, March 30, 2020, the City Clerk’s Office will temporarily relocate its public information counter to the 2nd Floor, Window #2. All transactions will be conducted by appointment only. Please contact our office at 617-635-4601 to schedule an appointment. The window hours on the second floor will be from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. However, our office remains open from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. for any questions, inquiries, or to schedule an appointment.
Business RegistrationBusinesses registrations that expire during this crisis will not be assessed a late fee. Late fees will be temporarily waived and the filing fee of $65.00 will be due on renewal. New registrations and renewals can be mailed to our office for processing; however, if you mail your registration, please remember that your signature needs to be notarized. Incoming mail will be processed in a timely manner.
ClaimsYour claim and supporting documents can be mailed to our office. As always, all claims received at our office will be forwarded to the Law Department for processing.
Public Meeting and Hearing NoticesThe City Clerk’s Office continues to post any and all meetings and hearings that are taking place at the current time. Although many public meetings and hearings have been canceled, there are meetings and hearings that are taking place remotely and those are being posted.
City Council Meeting Agenda and MinutesBoston City Council meetings are taking place remotely via Zoom and the City Clerk’s Office continues to process and prepare documents for the weekly meetings.
Lobbying ReportsStatement Reports for Lobbyists, Lobbying Entities and Clients are due on April 20, 2020. Reports may be filed beginning on April 10, 2020. Once completed, these reports can be filed online. If there are any concerns relative to your report or filing issues, you may contact us via email at
For the general public and our staff, public health is our number one concern. If you have any further questions about City services, you may call 311 directly. Please also follow Mayor Walsh’s webpage for Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates.
Stay safe and be well,
Maureen Feeney, City Clerk