Reason for cancellation:
We are postponing this year's festival. We hope to have a new date soon!
Boston’s National Bike to Work Day Festival celebrates National Bike to Work Day and is our way of saying, “Thanks for riding your bike today.” We think it’s important to celebrate everyone who rides in Boston, and we want to make it fun for experienced and new bike commuters.
* Please note that this year Boston's National Bike to Work Day Festival celebration has been moved to Pemberton Square.
On Bike to Work Day, you can join a commuter convoy as it rides through one of dozens of locations throughout the Boston metro area. These convoys are guided by experienced ride leaders and follow a fixed schedule and route. Everyone finishes together at Pemberton Square! Because you rode your bike, you’ll get a free breakfast and coffee amid an expo at Pemberton Square. Join a convoy, or just show up for the fun at Pemberton Square. Going to work after the event is optional.
Registration is free but it ends on Tuesday, May 12, at 5 p.m. We encourage you to register so we know to expect you. It will also help us ensure that we have enough food and free t-shirts for everyone. Breakfast is only for cyclists, so please be prepared to show us your bike, helmet, or Bluebikes key.
More Bike to Work info
Want to help out as a convoy leader? Want to exhibit at the event?