Boston Cultural Council monthly meeting
If you are unable to connect to audio or you do not have internet, you can call into the meeting by dialing 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting I.D. 246 3301 30#.
If you are unable to connect to audio or you do not have internet, you can call into the meeting by dialing 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting I.D. 246 3301 30#.
"Moakley Talks" is a series of discussions on key aspects of the Moakley Park planning process. We hope you’ll join in on the conversation!
Moakley Talks: Sports and Stadium
Moakley Talks: Community and Play
Moakley Talks: Public Health and Environment
With ball fields, playgrounds, basketball courts, and water play, Moakley Park in South Boston has something for everyone. Learn more about the park.
Meeting ID: 880 8266 0140
Passcode: 755060
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,88082660140#,,,,,,0#,,755060# US (New York)
+13017158592,,88082660140#,,,,,,0#,,755060# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)...
The meeting will be televised on Boston City TV (Xfinity Channel 24, RCN Channel 13, and Verizon Fios Channel 1962) and livestreamed on
The meeting will be televised on Boston City TV (Xfinity Channel 24, RCN Channel 13, and Verizon Fios Channel 1962) and livestreamed on
RE: COVID-19, Temporary Practices
In accordance with Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Executive Order modifying certain requirements of the Open Meeting Law and relieving public bodies of certain requirements, including the requirement that public bodies conduct its meetings in a public place that is open and physically accessible to the public, the Public Facilities Commission (PFC) will be conducting its meetings virtually. This enables the PFC to conduct its usual business while adhering to public health recommendations and...
Public comment on Presentations for Review, Public Testimony, and Commission Vote may be provided ahead of the hearing by submitting written testimony online by 12 p.m. (noon) on October 12, 2020. You will also have the opportunity to submit comments during the meeting via the Zoom platform or by phone. If you require closed...
Join us as we kick off the "Moakley Talks" with a virtual open house. "Moakley Talks" is a series of discussions on key aspects of the Moakley Park planning process. We hope you’ll join in on the conversation!
With ball fields, playgrounds, basketball courts, and water play, Moakley Park in South Boston has something for everyone. Learn more about the park.
Attention: This meeting will be held virtually and not in person. To participate, please go to our Zoom meeting link, or call 929-205-6099 and enter meeting ID 890 0085 1375#. You can also submit written comment via email to or via Twitter @bostonlandmarks using the hashtag #FPCOct8Hearing....