Back Bay: 372 Marlborough Street Abutters Meeting
Complete renovation of existing building. Convert from fourteen (14) units to four (4) units. Addition of proposed garage extension. Installation of new electrical, plumbing, HVAC, Fire Alarm, sprinkler system throughout building. Addition of deck at Level 3 rear, Level 1 and at roof.
The purpose of this meeting is to get community input and listen to the resident's positions on this proposal. This is a virtual meeting via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 861 5548 9708
Please note, the City does not represent the occupant(s)/developer(s)/attorney(s)/applicant(s).
Horse-Of-Course Program
Hike Boston is our series where we invite you to join us for a walk, hike, or interpretive program in one of Boston's parks or urban wilds.
Please note — this is not a hike. This is a "Horse of Course" program hosted by a Boston Park Ranger. Come meet one of the mounted units from our herd and learn about their role in the parks, and how they are cared for.
For more information visit the Hike Boston homepage.
Bay State Road / Back Bay West Area Architectural Conservation District Commission
Please note: This hearing will be held virtually and not in person. To participate, please go to our Zoom meeting link or call 301-715-8592 and enter meeting ID 942 3636 4275 #. You can also email comments through email at
Back Bay Architectural Commission
Please note: This hearing will be held virtually and not in person. To participate, please go to our Zoom meeting link or call 301-715-8592 and enter meeting ID 998 7824 4413 #. You can also email comments through email at
Back Bay: 31 Massachusetts Avenue Abutters Meeting
Change of occupancy to include a body art/tattoo establishment; conditional use in this zoning sub-district.
The purpose of this meeting is to get community input and listen to the resident's positions on this proposal. This is a virtual meeting via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 832 8943 1293
Please note, the City does not represent the occupant(s)/developer(s)/attorney(s)/applicant(s).
Boston Parks And Recreation Commission Public Hearing
Please note: This hearing will be held remotely via Zoom:
- Join by phone: 1-305-224-1968
- Webinar ID: 891 8372 4965
Trustees Of The Boston Public Library Meeting
This is an open meeting. The public is welcome to attend.
- Call In: 1-646-558-8656, 1-301-715-8592, or 1-507-473-4847
- Webinar ID: 838 3014 9101
Entertainment Application Hearings
- Meeting ID: 891 2868 8101
- Password: 817817
- Call-in number: +1-646-876-9923
Back Bay: 235 Newbury Street Abutters Meeting
“Serafina” seeks to petition the Boston Licensing Board for the issuance of a new all alcohol restaurant license to replace current beer and wine license, seeking closing hour of 1 a.m. with patio closing hour of 11 p.m.
The purpose of this meeting is to get community input and listen to the resident's positions on this proposal. This is a virtual meeting via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 864 6505 4361
Please note: The City does not represent the occupant(s)/developer(s)/attorney(s)/applicant(s).
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