
Official websites use

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Secure .gov websites use HTTPS

A lock or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Common permits for special events in Boston

You may need permits from several departments to host an event in Boston.

To host a special event on either public or private property outdoors in the City of Boston, you need to apply to host a special event. You may be required to meet with the Special Events committee where you will need to provide a production schedule and a site plan for your event. Finally, you may need to get permits from several departments represented on the Special Event Committee.

To obtain the final permit from the Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing, you will be required to submit the Special Events application signed by the Police Captain as well as the other permits required by the Special Events Committee.

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