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Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Digital Equity

We're working to improve access to affordable and reliable digital tools for all residents in Boston.

What is 'Digital Equity'?

It is the process of meeting people where they are to ensure that everyone has access to and the ability to use the resources needed to thrive in today's online world. This includes providing affordable and reliable internet and devices, as well as the necessary skills to use them. Our goal is to create structures which serve the communities that need these resources the most, and close Boston’s digital divide.

General Digital Equity Resources

We want to help you find resources that will connect you to the internet and save money. Explore our directory of resources for affordable internet options, digital skills training, and more. 

View the Resources

Digital Equity Fund

The fund supports programs that advance digital equity in Boston.

Learn about the fund

What we're working on

Households and businesses

We’re looking to create a more competitive broadband market in the City. You should be able to choose from many high-quality, affordable options.

Current projects
  • Working with City departments to streamline efforts related to broadband infrastructure.
  • Making the City’s fiber assets more accessible to companies.
  • Welcoming new cable and Internet competition to Boston.
  • Keeping an eye toward the future in the design and construction of Boston’s broadband environment.
  • Removing barriers that make it tough for Bostonians who live in apartment buildings to have multiple Internet options.
In the community

We’re making high-speed Internet more available in the places where you work, learn, play, and engage in civic life.

Current projects
  • Extending the Boston Fiber Optic Network (BoNET) to reach each Boston Public School.
  • Expanding Wicked Free Wi-Fi within Boston’s 20 Main Street districts.
Digital skills

We work to make sure community members and local businesses are equipped with digital tools and skills. We want everyone to get the chance to innovate and create the future for their communities and Boston.

Current projects
  • Working with groups who offer one-time and ongoing digital skills training. This includes basic computer and Internet use, coding, media production, and more.
  • Creating strategies to make the latest digital tools more available to community members.


If you have any ideas for what the City of Boston can do to further close the digital divide, please let us know using this Google Form. Thank you! 

Suggestion Form
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