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Liberty Square Plaza

The Boston Transportation Department is planning to install a pedestrian plaza in Liberty Square.


Downtown Boston's Liberty Square is home to a number of businesses and a remarkable bronze statue commemorating the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. In true Boston fashion, this square is actually not square but rather a triangle with streets surrounding it on all three sides.

In the summer 2019, the Boston Transportation Department did a one day activation where the street on the eastern side of the triangle was closed to vehicle traffic. Tables and seating were added to the street and pedestrians and visitors to nearby restaurants were able to enjoy the space.

Now we want to make this a pedestrian-friendly plaza longer-term with semi-permanent materials including a painted street, tables, chairs, and planters.

People enjoy a temporary pedestrian plaza in Liberty Square


Above: People enjoy the one-day pedestrian plaza in Liberty Square in the summer of 2019.

Next STeps

Building on feedback from prior engagement, the Boston Transportation Department will complete a design for this space. We hope to implement the plaza in the Summer of 2024.


Existing Conditions and Proposed Design

Liberty Square Plaza Location

The plaza at Liberty Square would occupy roadway space to the east of the existing triangle with the Hungarian Revolution Memorial.

Liberty Square Existing Conditions

The street space where the plaza is located today does not permit parking. Traffic and large vehicles will still be able to turn around the plaza on Kilby Street.

Image shows a pedestrian plaza on Liberty Square with planters, seating, and a painted street
Liberty Square Rendering

Above is a rendering of how the Liberty Square Plaza could look with a painted roadway, planters, seating, and other, more creative, site furnishings

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