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Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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New Edgerly Plaza

The Boston Transportation Department is planning to install a pedestrian plaza on New Edgerly Road between Harry Ellis Dickson Park and the seating area in front of Whole Foods.


Last year, former Councilor Kenzie Bok’s office counted 51 vehicles and 413 people walking here in a 45-minute period. Despite having over four times as many pedestrians as vehicles, this space is primarily dedicated to cars. To meet this need, we plan to transform the space into a pedestrian-focused vibrant public plaza.


When not closed to traffic, this space is primarily used as short-term parking for up to 16 vehicles and by drivers turning right from Edgerly Road to Westland Avenue. All driving movements will still be accommodated. We are looking for help from the community on what kind of furnishings, pavement artwork, activities, and other physical items to include in this space.


The Boston Transportation Department is using feedback from the community meeting on October 25, 2023, to inform the design of the plaza. We hope to install the plaza at the end of summer or early fall 2024. Please send an email to us at with feedback or questions on the design of the plaza.

Site Conditions

Roadway space to be transformed into a pedestrian plaza highlighted in blue
Plaza location at Edgerly Road and Westland Avenue

The plaza location at New Edgerly Road would occupy roadway space between Edgerly Road and Westland Avenue in the Symphony Area of the East Fenway.

New Edgerly Rd Existing Condition
Existing Vehicular Use of New Edgerly Road

The street space on New Edgerly Rd is used for short term parking today. The adjacent parking garage also provides short term parking for grocery store patrons as do nearby parking meters on Edgerly Road.

New Edgerly Plaza Rendering
Rendering of Future New Edgerly Plaza

Above is a rendering of how the New Edgerly Plaza could look with a painted roadway, planters, seating, and other, more creative, site furnishings.

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