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Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Tax Exemptions and Abatements

Through an exemption, the City releases you from paying part or all of your property taxes. An abatement is a reduction in your taxes. We have information related to exemptions and abatements in the City of Boston.

Fiscal Year 2025 Abatement Period

Property owners can file an abatement application if they believe their property is:

  • overvalued
  • disproportionately assessed
  • improperly classified, or
  • eligible for a statutory exemption.

Applications may be filed after the third-quarter bills are issued in late December 2024. The Fiscal Year 2025 abatement application filing deadline is February 3, 2025.

Abatement applications will be available online through the Assessing Online tool starting January 1, 2025. To download an application, search for and find your property, then click the "Details" link:


Assessing Online screenshot with the "details" link


A link to the application will be under the "Abatements/Exemptions" section.

For more information on what's possible with Assessing Online, visit our explainer page. We also have details on how to get an abatement application either in-person or by mail.

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