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Mayor Walsh Announces the Taxi Advisory Committee

Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the appointment of 24 members to the “Taxi Advisory Committee” to examine policy and regulatory frameworks to support the taxi industry throughout the City of Boston. The committee is comprised of representatives from the taxi industry, municipal and state governmental agencies, and community partners. 

“I sincerely appreciate patience of both the public and the taxi industry over the past few months as we worked to appoint one of the largest groups of stakeholder representatives that the City of Boston has brought together,” said Mayor Walsh. “Boston's industry is unique in many aspects, but common themes can be seen throughout, as cities and states work to get a grasp on the changing face of transportation. We look forward to engaging the public in several ways to gather valuable input and feedback from the people who make Boston the great city that it is.”

“The Mayor’s commitment to bring together stakeholders to discuss and develop new policy has gained steam in his Office of Intergovernmental Relations,” said Chris English, Chair of the Taxi Advisory Committee. “The issues facing the for-hire-transportation industry in Boston, and across the country, are significant. 

The Taxi Advisory Committee will meet as a group on an ongoing basis and engage the public in a variety of ways, to ensure that all stakeholders have a chance to provide input throughout the process. This community engagement aspect will include several public meetings, beginning in October, as well as online feedback forms available today on the Advisory Committee’s website:

The public will also be able access more information on the City Hall To Go truck, as well as the Elderly Affairs Commission and Commission for Persons with Disabilities. 

Below, please view full list of committee members:

  • Shift Drivers

Pierre Duchemin, Shift Drivers


  • Medallion Owners    

Peter Sheinfeld, Small Medallion Owners      James Endicott, Large Medallion Owners


  • Radio Associations

Brett Barenholtz, CEO, Boston Cab Dispatch


  • USW- Boston Taxi Drivers Association     

Donna Blythe-Shaw, USW BTDA Staff Representative


  • Transportation Network Companies

Meghan Joyce, General Manager, Uber Boston Katie Kincaid, Government Relations Manager, Lyft Inc. 

  • Massport       

John Faro, Manager, Transportation Operations, Massport 

  • Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce    

Anne Bailey Berman, Co-chair of Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee


  • Massachusetts Convention Center Authority

Frederick Peterson, Director of Facilities Operations



Sarah Hamilton, Vice President, Area Planning & Development, Medical Academic and Scientific Community Organization


  • Livery Drivers Association  

Michael Southwick, Livery Drivers Association, Founder & President- Lifestyle Transportation Inc.


  • Boston Onein3 Council

Tina Chien, Onein3 Council Member


  • Boston Transportation Department           

Gina Fiandaca, Boston Transportation Department, Executive Director, Office of the Parking Clerk


  • Elderly Affairs Commission

Commissioner Emily Shea, Elderly Affairs Commission


  • Disabilities Commission       

Commissioner Kristen McCosh, Disabilities Commission 

  • Office of Neighborhood Services    

Jerome Smith, Chief of Civic Engagement 

  • Boston Police Department

Captain Jim Gaughan, Boston Police Department- Hackney Unit


  • City Clerk     

Maureen Feeney 

  • City Council  

Councilor Josh Zakim, Chair, City Council Special Committee on Transportation, Public Infrastructure & Investment 

  • State House   

Sen. Michael Rush, Member, State Joint Committee on Transportation 

  • Mass State Police      

Lt. Ken Halloran, Massachusetts State Police 

  • Community Representatives

Rep. Russell Holmes, Community Representative Vivienne Sullivan, Community member

  • Last updated:
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